All Headlines Top News Rob Chrisman Mortgage Rate Watch MBS Commentary
All News Headlines
NEW Jobless Claims Down just slightly
NEW Philadelphia Fed's June Manufacturing Falls to -17.1
NEW Economists Divided on Whether Jobless Claims Signal Recessionary Data
NEW Thursday's Events: UI Claims, Philly Fed Mfg
NEW Fed Must Protect the Markets from Relapse, Kohn Says
NEW Treasury's Paulson Says More Liquidity to Financial Institutions to Come
NEW Reprices for the worse now a distinct possibility...
NEW Just a touch of discomfort...
NEW Really Knocking On The Ceiling Now...
NEW Wednesday 6/18/08 .......... Predisposition Towards Locking Waning
NEW Long-Term Interest Rates Hit Highest Point since Last October
NEW Wednesday's Events: Central Bank Watch and DOE Inventories
NEW MBA Mortgage Applications Decline in Week Ending June 13
NEW Leveling Off Ever-So-Slightly
NEW Don't Panic
NEW Do You Like Graphs?
NEW Compelled to Tell You
NEW Tuesday 6/17/08 ...... Will It Last?
NEW Tuesday 6/17/08 ..... And A Good Morning To You As Well!
NEW NAHB Green Building Legislation Offers Incentives to Lenders
NEW U.S. Housing Market Bottom Not Yet in Sight, Say Economists
NEW The Fed Won't Hike at Upcoming Meeting, WSJ and FT Say
NEW U.S. Housing Starts and Building Permits Decline in May
NEW Off Topic Commentary On The Bigger Picture...
NEW You Knew It Was Too Good To Last Right?
NEW bouncing back a bit now
NEW Still Being Held Down
NEW Monday 6/16/08 ....... Bond Buyers are Reading The Writing On The Wall : GO AWAY!
NEW Two Senators Appear to be "Friends of Countrywide"
NEW Washington Post Sources Say Bernanke has no Plans for Rate Hikes
NEW Monday's Events: Lehman, Cnd New Vehicle Sales, Empire Mfg Index, Fed's Bernanke
NEW U.S. Builder Confidence Matches Historic Low at 18
NEW Monday 6/16/08 ......... Traders Reluctantly Buying Bonds
NEW Jason Steals The Scene At The End Of The Day
NEW Bad haircut
NEW Peeling off the ceiling just a bit
NEW Friday 6/13/08 ....... Jason Voorhees at Bay
NEW Greenspan Says Recovery Still Months Away
NEW Annual Home Foreclosures Soared by 48% in May, Says Report
NEW Friday's Events: U.S. CPI, Michigan Sentiment; Greenspan Speaks
NEW Economists Speculate on Fed's Monetary Policy Following CPI Report
NEW Continuing to be nauseating
NEW Lehman Brothers CFO and COO Resign With Stock Down 32% in a Week
NEW Fed's Plosser Calls Inflation Threat "Serious" and "An Insidious Tax on Consumers"
NEW Go Green With Your Real Estate Marketing
NEW Thursday 6/12/08 ...... Can't Catch A Break
NEW Jane! Get me off this crazy thing!
NEW Bouncing back a bit
NEW Mid Day Update
NEW The MBS market giveth