Wed, Jul 9 2008, 7:00 AM
Weekly mortgage applications in the United States
moved higher in the week ending July 4, according to data released from
the Mortgage Bankers' As...
Wed, Jul 9 2008, 7:00 AM
U.S. crude oil inventories will top the U.S. economic
data releases of the day along with Canadian building permits for June.
In Europe, markets w...
Wed, Jun 25 2008, 7:00 AM
Weekly mortgage applications in the United States
fell further in the week ending June 20, according to data from the
Mortgage Bankers' Associatio...
Wed, Jun 18 2008, 7:00 AM
Weekly mortgage applications in the United States
fell further in the week ending June 13, according to data from the
Mortgage Bankers' Associatio...
Wed, Jun 11 2008, 7:00 AM
While the stock market has been undergoing some wild fluctuations over
the last couple of weeks, the mortgage scene has been quiet - very
quiet. A...
Wed, Jun 11 2008, 7:00 AM
Weekly mortgage applications in the United States
fell further in the week ending June 6, according to data from the
Mortgage Bankers' Association...
Wed, Jun 4 2008, 7:00 AM
Long term mortgage interest rates took a slight bump
upward during the week ended May 29 while the rates for the two short-
term products were virt...
Wed, Jun 4 2008, 7:00 AM
Weekly mortgage applications in the United States
fell further in the week ending May 30, according to data from the
Mortgage Bankers' Association...
Wed, May 28 2008, 7:00 AM
Some weekly U.S. retail and mortgage data kicks off the day followed
by the release of durable goods orders and some Fed speakers. The
Canadian econ...
Wed, May 28 2008, 7:00 AM
Weekly mortgage applications in the United States
fell in the week ending May 23, according to data from the Mortgage
Bankers' Association (MBA) o...
Wed, May 21 2008, 7:00 AM
Weekly mortgage applications in the United States
fell in the week ending May 16, according to data from the Mortgage
Bankers' Association (MBA) o...
Wed, May 14 2008, 7:00 AM
Weekly mortgage applications in the United States
rose in the week ending May 9, according to data from the Mortgage
Bankers' Association (MBA) on...
Wed, May 7 2008, 7:00 AM
Weekly mortgage applications in the United States
rose in the week ending May 2 following two weeks of declines, according
to data from the Mortga...
Wed, Apr 23 2008, 7:45 AM
Wed, Apr 16 2008, 7:00 AM
Mortgages rates , which were drifting during the week
ended April 3 were virtually frozen during the week ending April 10
according to Freddie Mac's...
Wed, Apr 9 2008, 7:00 AM
Weekly mortgage applications in the United States
rebounded Wednesday morning according to data from the Mortgage Bankers'
Association, which said...
Thu, Apr 3 2008, 7:00 AM
Mortgage rates were largely unchanged during the week
ended March 27 according to the Primary Mortgage Market Survey conducted
by Freddie Mac.
Wed, Apr 2 2008, 7:00 AM
Mortgage applications in the U.S. fell 28.7% in the
week ending March 28, with the market composite index decreasing to 688.3
from 959.9 a year ago...
Wed, Jan 9 2008, 8:00 AM
Interest rates were down significantly during the
week ended January 5, but the big news was the surge in mortgage
applications that welcomed in ...
Thu, Dec 27 2007, 8:00 AM
Mortgage rates were up slightly during the pre-
holiday week ended December 20 according to the Primary Mortgage Market
Survey conducted by Freddie ...
Thu, Aug 9 2007, 7:00 AM
Some interesting figures have been released by the Mortgage Bankers
Association which has announced that mortgage application
activity increased 8...
Thu, Jul 19 2007, 7:00 AM
Short-term adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs) were unchanged during the
last week, but longer term fixed and adjustable rate mortgages did move;
if up...
Wed, Mar 28 2007, 7:00 AM
Frank Nothaft, Freddie Mac vice president and chief economist
indicated that the market was in a holding pattern. " Mortgage
rates were stable this...
Wed, Oct 4 2006, 7:00 AM
The old mortgage tracking clock has just rolled back to March
2 . That was the last time that the interest on a 30-year
fixed-rate mortgage was lower...
Wed, Sep 20 2006, 7:00 AM
After a single "up" week, long term interest rates have
resumed the slow downward pattern that began the week ending July 20.
Freddie Mac's Prima...
Wed, Apr 12 2006, 7:00 AM
Mortgage rates were up for the week ended April 6th and
7th according to the weekly surveys released by Freddie Mac and the
Mortgage Bankers Associat...
Wed, Apr 27 2005, 7:00 AM
Demos, a private research firm, has issued a stunning report on mortgage appraisal fraud; the reasons behind it, the ramifications, and some possible ...
Fri, Jan 7 2005, 8:00 AM
Mortgage Applications Down During Holiday Week