Keep you lock sheets handy, but it looks like he are holding a trend on the technical line of improvement still!
In easier to understand terms:
The line that graphs MBS prices today has been up and down, but if one were to plot points each time the line bottoms out, and then draw a line connecting those points, it would be moving upward at a 45 degree angle.
In other words, bond prices are steadily climbing today which is good for rates. Since the low points on the price graph all lie exactly on this line, this establishes what's known as a technical trend.
We discussed a technical trend on Monday. Technical trends can hold true over long periods of time or short. So the technical trend on the day is price improvement. This means keep floating.
The technical trend over the past several months is the same, and I pointed out that the daily price had just "hit the line" again at the end of last week, which meant that the technical analysis suggested rate improvement. So far, technical analysis is holding true. Remember it always must be considered with the concomitant economic data.