Jann Swanson - Mortgage News Daily Article Contributions
Purchase Applications Hit 10 Month High
Freddie Mac Gives Immediate Green Light to Streamlined Modifications
Americans Resume Deleveraging Household Balance Sheets
Southern California Home Sales Hit 7 Year High
Housing Inventory Moving Quickly Despite More Listings and Higher Prices in April
Housing Affordability Stays Strong, But Hinges On Low Rates
Your Housing Recovery May Vary (Based On Location) - CoreLogic
Realtor Income Increases 24.6 Percent in 2012
Housing Headlines Mask Unsettling Trends
Builders Report Strong Growth in the 55+ Housing Market
Housing Scorecard: HAMP Continues Brisk Trial Modification Rate
Independent Foreclosure Review Payments Amount to Comedy of Errors
Fed's Duke Sees Challenges and Opportunities For Low Score Borrowers
Rising Prices "Denting" Affordability in California; Significant Regional Variations
CFPB Having Second Thoughts About Restricting Credit Insurance Financing
NAR: Some Areas Now Seeing Sellers' Markets
Delaware Banker Faces 5-Years in Jail
Fannie Mae's Record Earnings up the Ante For Taxpayers, by $52.4 Bln
Freddie Mac Earnings Remain Near Record, Treasury Dividend Rises to $7.0 Billion
Mortgage Delinquencies Improve at Record Pace
Mortgage Applications Surge, Purchases at Three-Year High
NY Attorney General Not a Big Fan of DeMarco, Doesn't Mind Saying so
Expecting Higher Home Prices? Fannie Mae Says You're Not Alone
Highest Annual Home Price Appreciation Since March 2006, More Expected -CoreLogic
Fannie Mae Promotes SMDU
More Evidence That HARP 2.0 Revisions Revitalized The Program
GSEs Begin Qualified Mortgage Rollout; Purchases Restricted in 2014
MBA's Stevens: Transition Away From Conservatorship Will Never Be More Advantageous
Schneiderman to Sue BofA, Wells Fargo Over Settlement Violations
New Delinquencies at Six-Year Low -LPS
Seasonal Trends Blamed For Decline in NAHB's Improving Markets List
CFPB Publishes User Friendly Compliance Guides
GSEs Analyze Stand-Alone Value of Multi-family Businesses
Thousands More FHA Loans set for Auction Block
Foreclosure Review Payouts Coming Under Congressional, Media Scrutiny
Lower Rates send Refi Activity back to January Levels
DeMarco Out? Rumors say Director Appointment Imminent
Mel Watt Officially Nominated to Head FHFA
Foreclosures Increase Slightly in March, But Maintain Longer Term Downtrend
Home Prices Increase at Fastest Annual Pace Since May 2006- Case Shiller
FHFA: Progress Report on Fannie/Freddie Replacement
Freddie Announces New Loan Purchase Tool For Pre-Purchase Error Check
Homeownership Hits 17-year Low
Challenges and Goals of Fannie/Freddie Prenuptial Agreement
Pending Sales Level off as Inventories Shrink
LPS Home Price Index Rises; 9 of The Top 10 Metro Areas in CA
Horton Reports Banner Earnings Citing Robust Demand and Favorable Pricing
Stability Council Urges Servicer Compensation Reform And Unified Standards
Freddie Mac's Portfolio Grew in March, Delinquency Rates Decline
Zillow: "Unsustainable" Home Price Appreciation Cooling Down