Jann Swanson - Mortgage News Daily Article Contributions
Homeowner Advocacy Group Kicks off Membership Drive
New Restrictions on Reverse Mortgages Aimed at Sustainability
Token Bounce for Mortgage Applications on Slightly Lower Rates
Can Jobs Numbers Be Predicted by Consumer Confidence?
Shortage of Buildable Lots Holding Back Housing Market -NAHB
Record Decline in Commercial Mortgage-Backed-Securities Delinquency
Home Prices Unfazed By Rising Rates in July
Fannie Mae Portfolio Reduction Picks up Speed
Residential Construction Spending Stayed Strong in July
HARP Demand Prevents Sharper Drop in Prepayments
Loan Profits Were Already Down 14 Percent Before July
CRL Looks at Spillover from Foreclosures
Freddie Mac's Portfolio Shrinks Again; Delinquencies Decline
Cash Sales Surge; Distressed Sales Remain Elevated - RealtyTrac
Foreclosure Inventory Declining Quickly; Judicial States Still Skewing Data
Champion of the Great Rotation Warns of C.R.A.S.H.
New Fed Data Reveals More About How Treasuries Stack up
Decline in Home Sales Not Yet Concerning; More Homes Need to Be Built - NAR
Higher Rates Continue Sapping Refinance Demand but Purchase Applications Rose
These Charts Show How The Fed's Portfolio Might Have Looked Without QE
QRM Revision Removes 20 pct Downpayment Requirement; Alternative Raises it to 30
Home Price Gains Decelerating for Most Metro Areas -Case-Shiller
Shadow Inventory down 30 Percent Annually
Multifamily Sector Continues to Lead Commercial Real Estate Resurgence
National Home Prices Nearing Pre-Crash Levels
Now Can We Talk About Rising Rates Hurting Housing?!
OIG Recommends Expanded Review Policy for GSE Settlements
Mortgage Servicers Have Issues According to CFPB
Home Price Appreciation Strong in 2nd Quarter
Wells Fargo Cutting 2300 Jobs Citing 20 percent Decline in Refi Share
Distressed Sales Plunge Below 20 Percent in California
Home Sales up 6.5 Percent; Prices Nearing Pre-Crash Peak
Purchase Apps Rise Again; Rising Rates Killing Refi Apps
Purchase Originations Overtake Refinances -Ellie Mae
Housing Contribution to GDP Will Double by 2015 - Fannie Mae
Housing Reform Juggles Reduced Government Role With Increased Private Capital
Multifamily Construction Buoys Housing Data
Analysts Call for Salvaging GSEs, Advocate Small Tweaks not Massive Reform
California Housing Recovery Continues Full Throttle
Builder Confidence Bucks Housing Data Trends; Near 8-yr High
Foreclosures Rise from 6yr Low; Judicial Backlog-Clearing Blamed
CFPB Updates Financial Institution Exam Procedures
Rising Rates Unlikely to Affect Purchase Mortgages, Refinancing a Different Story
Avoiding a Double Dip Recession May be up to Housing
Application Volumes Down, Government Purchase Share Drops
Falling Mortgage Debt Offsets Rise in Consumer Debt
Modifications Up even as Foreclosure Activity Declines
Key Investor Classes Shift to Negative Outlook on Bonds
Home Prices Fall Slower, Rise Faster Without Distressed Sales
National Housing Affordability Hits 5 Year Low