All Headlines Rob Chrisman
Rob Chrisman's Daily Commentary
For the past 10 years Mortgage News Daily has provided our readers with Rob Chrisman's daily commentary.
NEW AI Guideline, Cost Structure, Broker, Consulting, Upfront Fee Collection Tools ; loanDepot Cyberattack
NEW Hedging, Broker Products; It's HMDA Reporting Season; Jobs Data Moving Rates
NEW Verification, Lien Release Products; Relying on Interest Rate Predictions? STRATMOR Outlook
NEW QC, Correspondent Tools; Webinars and Training; STRATMOR Interview on Referrals
NEW Real Estate Portal Opportunity; Events and Training; First American Back on Track? JPMorgan's Profits
NEW HELOC, Retention, Verification Tools; M&A Marches On; Volatile Year but 10-Year yield ends 2023 Roughly Where it Began
NEW Broker, Fulfillment, Servicing Software Products; Housing for the Aging Population
NEW CAAS, TPO, Tech, LOS Products; Fitch on First American's Hack; Freddie and Fannie Forecasts
NEW Customer Retention, Down Payment Products; Home Maintenance Study; First American News
NEW HELOC, Broker, and Correspondent Programs; First American's Cyber Issue; 10-Year Yield Bouncing Back?
NEW TPO, Anti-Valuation Bias Tools; Retail and Broker News; Interview on Home Equity Levels
NEW Credit and Verification, Broker, Borrower Portal, Accounting Products; Mortgage Credit News
NEW PPE, Audit and Tax, LO Sales, Subservicing Tools; Fannie and Attorney Opinion Letters
NEW U.S. Government Vs. Robocalls; Study on Debt and Generations; FHA is Alive and Well; Comprehensive Vendor News
NEW TPO, Accounting Automation, Verification; Training and Webinars; FHA, HECM, Ginnie News
NEW CRM, MSR Valuation, QC Trends Products; STRATMOR Strategy Report; Lower/Thrive M&A Deal; Renegotiations
NEW Jumbo, Non-QM, Accounting, Servicing, Processing Tools; Conv. Conforming News; STRATMOR on Customer Experience
NEW Super Jumbo, HELOC, DSCR, CRM Texting, Servicing Rights, QC Products; Fannie/Freddie Updates
NEW Broker, Business and Customer Intelligence, AI Underwriter, Marketing , Credit Union AMC Tools ; More Soft Landing Talk
NEW LO Technology, Broker PPE Products; Training and Webinars This Week; 3.7% Unemployment
NEW Bulk Sales, Best-Ex, Accounting Outsourcing, Verification Tools; FHA and Ginnie News; STRATMOR Tech Survey
NEW Broker and Correspondent Products, Tax, Lead-Gen, Fee Collection, Pre-Qual Tools; Economist Interview; Early Payoff Fears
NEW Compliance, CRM, LOS, Servicing, Workflow, Internal Audit Products; Non-QM and Jumbo News
NEW TPO, Subservicing, Marketing, CRA Products; Training and Webinars; Podcast Interview with Dr. Elliot Eisenberg
NEW Wholesale, TPO, Verification, Appraisal Products; What are Lenders Doing About Rising Credit Costs?
NEW MSR Sales, Subservicing, Margin Mgt., PPE, HELOC, Pre-Approval Tools, Don't Ignore HMDA Requirements
NEW HMDA Audit, QC, TPO Products; Conforming Conventional News; LoanCare Attack; Strong GDP Report; New Loan Limits
NEW Hedging, TPO Marketing, AI Underwriting, Encompass Tools; FHA and USDA News; STRATMOR on Lessons Learned
NEW SVP Production, Accounting, AE, Appraisal Jobs; Credit, Broker, LOS Products; Disaster Updates
NEW Efficiency, AVM, POS Products; MI, Wholesaler, Correspondent News; STRATMOR M&A Interview
NEW TPO, LOS, Cybershield, Subservicing Products; STRATMOR on Customer Satisfaction
NEW Best Ex, Marketing, Non-QM, Accounting Products; Training and Webinars; 40 Percent Own Homes Outright
NEW TPO and Correspondent, Non-Agency Best Ex, Verification; Equity Figures for Refis; STRATMOR on Customer Experience
NEW Underwriting, Outsourcing, CRM, POS Products; IMB earnings for Q3
NEW LOS, Processing, Single Women Buyer Report, AI Products; Citizens Ends Wholesale Division; Freddie Repurchases
NEW Wholesaler Wanted; PPE, DSCR, Marketing, AVM Products; FHA, Ginnie News; Listings on the Rise!
NEW Hedging, Automation, HELOC, MERS Audit, LO Benchmarking Products; Training Opportunities
NEW Lender Credit, HELOC, PPE, AI Tools; Wholesale and Correspondent News; Millennial Refi Interview
NEW Fedspeak, TPO, Servicing, CFO Oversight, Consumer-Facing Tools ; A Primer on 1099 vs. W-2
NEW Hedging, Non-QM, Credit Verification, Digital Tools; Conventional/Conforming news; Fair Lending Interview
NEW Rental, Renovation, Fee Collection, Subservicing, Verification Tools; Training and Events
NEW Best Ex, Workflow, Subservicer Audit, Fulfillment Products ; FHA, VA, USDA News; Mr. Cooper's Cyberattack
NEW HELOC, Broker Pricing, LOS, Servicing Retention Products; Training and Webinars; STRATMOR on Tech
NEW LO Jobs; Production Efficiency, HELOC, Database Mining Tools; FHA, VA, USDA Changes; Freddie's $2.7 Billion in Profits
NEW Efficiency, CRM, eClosing, Customer-Facing Tools; Lender Innovation Landscape Shifts; STRATMOR's Tech Workshop
NEW Verification, HELOC, POS, Servicing Transfer Products; Webinars Today and Tomorrow; Fannie's Solid Earnings
NEW LOS to G/L Automation, MERS Audit, Broker Pricing, VOI/E, Serv. Retention Tools; Conventional Changes; Signing Bonus Drama
NEW Internal Audit, Verification, Broker, Marketing Products; Training and Webinars Next Week
NEW Hedging, Webinars, HELOC, Prequal Tools; STRATMOR on Servicing; Lunches and RESPA
NEW Tech Stack Analysis, LO Efficiency, Fair Lending Products; NAR is Lawyering Up; STRATMOR on Retaining Customers