All Headlines Rob Chrisman
Rob Chrisman's Daily Commentary
For the past 10 years Mortgage News Daily has provided our readers with Rob Chrisman's daily commentary.
NEW Manufactured, HELOC, Automation, Home Insurance Products; Wholesaler Earnings and News; Inflation and Rates
NEW TPO, Due Diligence, Automation, Servicing Products; LD Earnings; Events and Training; Moody's Bank Downgrades
NEW HELOC, Servicing, PPE, Relationship, DPA Products; Events and Webinars This Week
NEW Closing Gifts, USDA, Non-QM, POS, VOI, Broker Shopping Products; Freddie/Fannie News; Training
NEW TPO Programs, Broker Locking, New Media Company, CRM Products; Investor News; Capital Markets
NEW Client Database, Relationship, Hedge Cost Tools; Events, Training, and Webinars
NEW 2008 & 2018 lenders: ghosts in the machine; warehouse, pre-approval, DPA, manufactured housing, marketing products
NEW ITIN, AOT, Warehouse, Servicing Products; Rocket Changes, Conventional Conforming News; Fannie's $5 billion Net Income
NEW Efficiency, POS, Policy and Procedure Tools; Events and Webinars Entering August; More "Soft Landing" Talk?
NEW Home Equity, DPA, Servicing, Database Mining, Warehouse Products; Underwriting Best Practices
NEW Hedging, Productivity, POS, Audit and Tax Products; Non-Agency News; STRATMOR on Sales Costs; GDP Solid
NEW Productivity, Automation, Data Tracking; HELOC Servicing Products; Freddie and Fannie News; Interview on Yield Curve Inversion
NEW Borrower-Focused, MI, Retention. MERS Audit, Delinquency Mgt. Products; Events and Training
NEW Construction, Rental DSCR, Warehouse Products; Agency News; MBS and Rate Sheet Pricing; Retail Profitability Study
NEW Lite Doc, Efficiency, 40-Year, HELOC Products; FHA, VA, USDA, HECM Agency and Investor News
NEW Correspondent Programs; STRATMOR and Customer Service; Credit Products and News; Training and Webinars
NEW CFO, Compliance, Cap Mkts; POS, AI, REO, 2nd Lien, Verification Products; Housing Stats
NEW FHA Jobs; Outsourcing, Insurance, Fraud Stats, eSign, HELOC Products; Webinars and Training; MBA on CFPB Enforcement
NEW Efficiency, Fulfillment, Correspondent Products; Offices Into Housing; Capital Markets
NEW TPO, Outsourcing, DPA, MSR Transfer, Compliance Products; Company and State Events
NEW Search Engine; Co-Issue, TPO, LO Survey, Credit, HELOC Servicing Products; Be Wary of Interest Rate Predictions
NEW Processing, Internal Audit, Cash Mgt., Security Tools; Training and Events; CPI Results and Mortgage Rates
NEW LO Marketing Tools, Automation, Subservicing, DPA Products; HMDA Data; Training and Webinars
NEW Broker and LO Scorecards, Escrow Mgt., Homebuyer Products; How Many Borrowers are at Less Than 4 Percent?
NEW Solar for LOs; New Correspondent, Non-QM, Renovation Products; Freddie and Fannie News; Job Numbers Move Mortgage Rates
NEW Automated AOT, TPO, Appraisal Fee, LOS Products; Labor Data Pushes Rates Higher
NEW Profitability Analysis, Closed-End 2nd Products; Ginnie Ticket Primer for Government Program Lenders
NEW FHA, VA, Reverse News and Training; EverBank Name to Return; Movement Mortgage v DOJ in False Claims Violation?
NEW HELOC, Appraisal Fee Analysis, Database Analysis and Broker Knowledge Products; Primer on Recessions
NEW Hedging, Loan Production, Auditing, QC, Broker Marketing Products; Primer on the Cost to Hedge
NEW Servicing, Lead Source, AI, MERS Review Products; Cybersecurity News; STRATMOR on Artificial Intelligence
NEW Borrower Intelligence, Prefunding QC, Cybersecurity Tools; TPO Investor News; Employment Opportunities
NEW Information Sharing, Home Equity, Fulfillment, Marketing Products; Conventional Conforming News
NEW Automation, ROI Calculation, Homeowner Engagement Tools; STRATMOR on AI Adaption; Rates and Builders
NEW MSR Valuation, Non-QM, DPA, Mobile Property Valuation Tools; What's the Fed Chair Up To? New-Home Housing Market List
NEW Referral, Servicing Strategy Products; FHA, USDA, Ginnie News; Mortgage Application Stats
NEW Underwriting, LOS, Appraisal Tools, Broker and Automation Products; Freddie and Fannie News; Housing Starts Skyrocket
NEW Affordable Housing, Retention Products; Events Early Next Week; Dive Into Recent Economic Stats
NEW Company Webinars and Training, Internal Audit, CRM, Servicing, Marketing Tools; Another Lesson in "Don't Fight the Fed"
NEW Non-QM, Marketing, Processing, Verification Tools; Warehouse Primer; Fed Day
NEW POS, Dashboard, Credit Verification Products; Freddie and Fannie Changes; Today's CPI Suggests Fed Holds Steady Tomorrow?
NEW Jumbo, PPE Products; Training and Webinars, Fast and Furious; Support Your MBA
NEW Accounting, Digital, Broker Comp Tools; FHA, VA, USDA Developments; Why Rates are Stubborn
NEW HELOC, Affordable Housing, Servicing, QC, MSR Valuation Products; New Appraiser Education Standards?
NEW Referral and Marketing Tools; TPO Products; U/W, Doc Custodian Review; DSCR and 2nd Program News
NEW Webinars and Training; Servicing, CRM, Processing Automation Products; The Fed Next Week
NEW Third-Party, Down Payment, Outsourcing Products, Freddie and Fannie Updates for Appraisals
NEW Reverse Point-of-Sale, Marketing and PR, TPO Products; Random TPO News; Ugly Insurance and Water News
NEW Webinars and Training, Construction Tracking, MERS Certification, 100% Financing, HELOC Products; Jumbo, DSCR Program News
NEW Warehouse, Appraisal, Non-QM, RON Products; Reverse Mortgages: Catch the Wave; Mortgage Apps Continue Decline