Jann Swanson - Mortgage News Daily Article Contributions
RedFin Sees Big Changes Coming to Real Estate Commission Model
Freddie Mac: Boomer Opportunity
Signs of Housing Distress Continue to Shrink
Housing Confidence Highest Since Fannie Began Keeping Track in 2011
Return of The Bidding War, But Only For Certain States
Stress Test Scenario Would Not Exhaust GSEs' Stockpiles
MBA Fine-Tunes Credit Access Index
Changes Proposed to Calculation of HPML Appraisal Requirement Threshold
Rental Appreciation Already Peaked According to New CoreLogic Index
Fannie Mae's Net Income Doubles from Q1
Buyers not "Boomeranging" Hastily
Another Slow Week for Mortgage Applications
Freddie Mac Won't Need Taxpayer Help After All
Home Price Gains Continue Cooling
"Brexit Effect" on Refis; Auto Loans Predicting Mortgage Delinquency -Black Knight
Construction Spending Ahead of 2015 Despite June Dip
CFPB Requests Comments on TRID Changes
Homeownership Dips to All-Time Low
CoreLogic: Slow Start for Cash Sales this Year
Pending Home Sales Stabilize, But Miss Estimates
Fannie Mae Upgrades 3 Percent-Down Mortgage Program
Interactive Tool Shows Why Affordable Housing is MIA
Refinancing Applications Plunge as Rates Tick Up
Foreclosure Starts Buck Generally Positive Mortgage Trends
Price Appreciation Slowing Down -Case-Shiller
New Home Sales Surge to 8-Year High
Mountain West Home Prices Climb Higher -Black Knight
Fannie Mae sees Brexit as Mostly Positive for Housing
The Start isn't the End in Home Building
First-Time Buyers Help Push Home Sales to 9-Year High
Four Divisions Post Home Price Losses
Purchases Dominated Pre-Brexit
Boomers Ignoring Conventional Housing Wisdom
Rising Rates Put Brakes on Mini Refi Boom
CoreLogic: Home Price Surge is Different this Time
Housing Starts/Permits Lagging 2015 Numbers
Distressed Sales Expected to Return to Pre-Crisis Share in 2017
Builder Confidence: Steady or Stuck?
Builder Data Shows Slight Drop in June New Home Sales
Refinance Activity Undeterred by Short Holiday Week
Foreclosure Inventory Back to 1 Percent
Brexit to have Lasting Impact According to Freddie Mac
MBA says Credit Tightened Again in June
Ginnie Mae Prepay Speeds Outpacing Others
Fannie/Freddie Joint Venture Creeps Forward
Consumer Sentiment Retreats on Income, Home Price Concerns
Refinancing Resurgence Reflects Brexit Rate Drop
Shocker: Older Generations Are Better Qualified For Mortgages
Loan Performance Improves as Servicing Portfolios Shrink
Home Price Appreciation Continues Cooling