Jann Swanson - Mortgage News Daily Article Contributions
February Housing Scorecard Details Fragility of Market
Construction Spending Sees First Drop in Six Months
Distressed Properties Nearly a Quarter of 2011 Real Estate Sales
CoreLogic: 28% of U.S. Homes now Underwater
Two More MERS Cases Decided
Fannie Mae's Losses Narrow but Treasury Advance Requested
HARP Activity Increasing Even as Refinancing Contracts
State of the Housing Market: Case and Shiller Discussion
FDIC Banks Again Report Improved Quarterly Profits
New Hampshire Court Rules for MERS
S&P Case-Shiller Indices at Post-Crisis Lows
FHA to Hike Up-Front and Annual Premiums
Donovan: FHA Working on Alternate Premium Structure for Streamlines
Fed's Duke Tells Senators Housing Recovery Not Following Script
Plans to Remedy Servicer Errors Completed by Nine Companies
Cash-Only Purchases Increasing Among Existing Homeowners
Bank of America Charged with Discrimination
Pending Home Sales Rise to Highest Level Since April 2010-NAR
Flagstar Bank Reaches FHA Settlement
Next Step in FHFA REO-to-Rental Initiative Announced
NAR Optimistic about Commercial Market, "A Landlord's Market"
New Home Sales Fall 0.9% in January
Bank of America Cuts Pipeline to Fannie Mae
Mass Court May Rule on Retroactivity of some Foreclosures Tied to 'Naked Mortgages'
Increased Sales Activity not Reflected in Home Prices
FHFA Monthly HPI adds Positive Spin to Negative Quarter
NAR: Existing Home Sales and Inventories Improved in January
MERS Has Second Court Win in Month
Inspector General Looks at GSE's as Legal Costs Pass $100 Million
Mortgage Applications Slow as Average Rates Rise
Freddie Mac: Economy on Slow, Steady, Path to Recovery
LPS Previews January Delinquency Data
Default Rates Head Down Again
FHFA Sends Congress Strategic Plan for GSEs
NAHB: Home Affordability at Record Levels
Despite January Numbers, Annual Foreclosure Rate Down
CitiMortgage Settles "Brute Force" Suit for $153.8 Million
Mortgage Delinquencies Improving Faster than Economy, Q4 Report
Permitting, Construction Starts Up Modestly in January
Home Builder Confidence Marks Highest Level Since 2007
More Time Allowed for Foreclosure Review Requests
Refinancing Borrowers Overwhelming Pick Shorter Term Loans
Quiet Week for Mortgage Applications, Interest Rates
Mortgage Delinquency Spikes in TransUnion Q4 Report
CFPB Designs New Mortgage Statement, Feedback Wanted
Bankers Dismiss Bank Tax as Arbitrary
AMI Takes Position against Mortgage Servicing Settlement
HUD Ready with FY2013 Budget
Bernanke Speaks to Home Builders on Housing's Role in Recovery
NAR: Home Affordability Increases Nationwide