Jann Swanson - Mortgage News Daily Article Contributions
Refinancing Not a Zero Sum Game
Foreclosure Activity Down for Month, Quarter, and Year
OIG Faults FHFA's Oversight of Troubled Federal Home Loan Banks
With Holidays Over, Mortgage Originations Rise
HOPE Now Nears 1 Million Modifications in 2011
National Home Prices Show Little Change in Two Indices
Consumer Mortgage Hotline Up and Running
Fannie Mae CEO Michael Williams Steps Down
"Improving Markets" Nearly Double in January
Fed's Raskin: Servicers To Face Fines and Penalties
Forbearance Terms Eased for Freddie's Borrowers
December Housing Scorecard Released
Housing Survey Notes Improving Attitudes
MBA Responds to Fed Housing Framework
LPS November Delinquency and Forelosure Metrics Muddled
Fed President Adds Own Suggestions to Housing White Paper
Cordray Appointment Roils Hill
OCC Rolls Out PSAs for Foreclosure Review Program
Mortgage Applications Down 3.7%; 30-yr FRM Ends Year at Record Low
Fed White Paper Offers Advice on Restoring Housing Market
MICA Reports on PMI Numbers: $5.6B in New Mortgage Insurance
Home Sales Contracts Continue to Rise
Home Prices Continue Down in October but Decline Moderates
FHFA: Home Prices Down 20% From Peak of Housing Boom
Countrywide/BOA to Reimburse Minority Borrowers $335 Million
NAR: Home Inventories Near Stabilization Levels - Contract Failures Persist
NAR: Little Impact Seen from Data Revision of Existing Home Sales
Report: Home Buyers are In, Sellers are Out
Mortgage Applications Fall as Rates Hit New Lows
Shadow Inventory, Moving not Falling
OCC Reports on Quarterly Delinquencies, Home Retention Actions
Permits, Starts Rise Significantly in Northeast and South
LPS Releases "First Look" at November Delinquency Data
Nevada Files Suit against LPS; LPS Responds
SEC Charges Six Former GSE Execs with Securities Fraud
Foreclosure Activity Continues to Decline
Fannie Mae Announces Third Quarter Servicer Results
NAR to Revise Existing Home Sales Data - Five Whole Years Worth
Veteran and Unsheltered Homeless Numbers Tumble
Refinancing Applications Surge as MBA's Average Rates Hit New 2011 Lows
FHFA Files Lawsuit Against Chicago Over Vacant Property Rules
Up 51% Since 2000, GAO Looks at Causes, Effects of Vacant Properties
New Proposal Would End GSEs, Create Mortgage Finance Agency
Builders Say Appraisals "Killing Sales"
Household Net Worth Continues to Decline Even as Debt Lessens
MBA Sends FHFA Critique of Proposed Fee Structure Revisions
MBA: Q3 Per-loan Profits Double on Increased Volume, Secondary Gains
2 Million Foreclosure Prevention Actions Implemented by GSEs
Post-Holiday Mortgage Applications Jump 12.8%
Treasury, HUD Release November Housing Scorecard - Calls Out JP Morgan