Jann Swanson - Mortgage News Daily Article Contributions
Home Prices Stuck in Negative Feedback Loop. Would You Buy?
AEI: Housing Market Can Function Without Government Support
Adjustable Balance Mortgages: Shared Risk Reduces Strategic Defaults
HUD Awards $1.4 Billion in Homeless Program Grants
FDIC Chair Calls for Commission to Settle Foreclosure Errors
Fed Aims to Increase Transparency Around Consumer Credit Decisions
AMI Shares Solutions to Foreclosure Crisis
GSEs, HUD Exploring Updated Loan Servicer Compensation Models
The Role of Affordable Housing in Stimulating Job Creation and Economic Development
Foreclosure Filings Hit Record Number of Properties in 2010
Loan Officer Compensation: Overtime Pay or No Overtime Pay?
Wild Wild West Housing Market: Are Ghost Towns Making a Comeback?
BofA Settles GSE Buyback Requests for Pennies on the Dollar
HUD Awards Extra Funding to Housing Counselors
Federal Home Loan Bank Proposals Aim to Reinforce Housing Finance System
FHFA Issues Final Rules for GSE Portfolios, Equal Hiring, and FHLB Goals
Federal Reserve Tweaks ARM & Construction Loan Disclosure Regs
Fannie Mae: Home Prices & Mortgage Originations to Decline in 2011
FHFA Reports on Enterprise Foreclosure Prevention Activity
FICO and NAR Debate Credit Scoring Model and Impact on Consumers
RealtyTrac: Evictions Ease Following Foreclosure Moratoriums. New Defaults Trending Lower
Regulators Publish Final Revisions to CRA Rules
Mortgage Banker Production Volumes, Profits and Per Loan Costs All Higher in 3Q
Congressional Oversight Panel Blasts HAMP
Does Having "Skin in the Game" Matter in the Mortgage Business?
CoreLogic: Fewer Underwater Mortgages in 3Q. Foreclosure Sales Drove Reduction
"Archaic" FICO Model Called Out by NAR. Credit Scoring Due Another Update
Survey: Americans Split on Timing of Housing Recovery. Discounted Prices Expected
MBA: Proposed FHA Indemnification Rules Penalize Responsible Lenders
FHFA: Full Scope of Foreclosure Processing Problems Still Unknown
Regulatory Agencies Issue Final Appraisal and Real Estate Evaluation Guidelines
Discounted Foreclosures Account for 25% of Home Sales in Third Quarter
Opinions on GSE Culpability Conflict at Housing Conference
FDIC Chair and Others Testify on Loan Servicer Weaknesses and Potential Remedies
Senate Banking Committee Examines Loan Servicing Problems
Red Flags Raised Over Consumer Protection Bureau's Funding Method
Reduced Loan Loss Provisions Drive Banker Profitability in Q3
Americans Less Certain Housing Market Has Bottomed
FHFA Outlines Rules for FHLBank Mergers
GSE Loan Limits Unchanged Through Q3 2011
MBA: Delinquencies Down in All Categories But Subprime ARMs
HAMP Winding Down. Loan Modification Metrics Decline in October
Federal Agencies Examining Loan Servicers, MERS, and LPS
FHFA Releases Performance and Accountability Report
Housing Starts Down Sharply, Permits Flat in October Census Data
Mortgage Applications Drop in Holiday Shortened Week
Home Builder Confidence Tempered by Credit Access
Federal Reserve Governor Speaks on Minimum Capital Requirements
Another Fed Governor Calls Servicer System "Misaligned"
Americans Continue to Reduce Mortgage Debt