Jann Swanson - Mortgage News Daily Article Contributions
Housing Starts, Permits Both Drop in July
Foreclosure Slowdown a Factor of Delays and Prevention Policies
Freddie Mac Slips Back into Loss Column
Government Seeks Solutions to Foreclosure Glut
HAMP Loan Modifications Performing Well
Fannie Needs More Money But Losses Shrink
Lower Loan Limits Won't Squash Originations: LPS
Rental Vacancies Decline Along with Homeownership Rate
Risk Retention Regs Scrutinized by Housing Advocates
FHA's Mortgage Review Board Sanctions 240 Lenders
Treasury Shares Plan for Leadership Transition at CFPB
Realtors Report Uptick in Sales Contracts, Nervous About Cancellations
Foreclosure Activity Drops in First Half of Year
FHFA Sues UBS to Recover GSE Mortgage Losses
Seasonal Factors Lift Home Prices. Temporary Gains?
Fannie Mae Downgrades Housing Outlook. Again
No "House Lock". Homeowners Relocate to Find Work
Home Sales Sag. Contract Cancellations Cited
Housing Starts, Permits Show Unexpected Improvement
Lending Opportunity Seen in Home Rehab Biz
Homeownership Rate: Stable or Still Falling?
Foreclosure Reality Distorted by Processing Delays
Consumer Protection Cops Prep for Bank Examinations
HUD Goes Local to Spark Housing Recovery
Fannie Mae: Consumers Expect Declining Home Prices, Rising Rents
Loan Servicing Reform Key in Housing Recovery
HUD Gives Jobless Homeowners Extra Time to Catch Up
Industry Wants Better Explanation on Loan Disclosure Reform
Servicers Speed Up HAMP Conversions. More to Become Eligible
Seeing Rental Housing as a Social Service Platform
Foreclosure Sales Lag as Banks Walk Inventory Tightrope
Home Sales Index Points Toward Improving Market
Private Capital at Work in Affordable Rental Housing
Slow Refinance Market Eats at Mortgage Banker Profits
Economists Argue Over Mortgage Interest Deductibility
HUD Aims to Correct Rental Housing Misconceptions
Fannie Mae Downgrades Outlook. Housing Stuck in a Rut
Foreclosure Filings in Downtrend. Masked Reality?
HUD Issues 2010 Homelessness Assessment Report
FDIC Chair Casts Doubt Over "Risk Retention" Exemptions
Penalties Levied Against Non-Compliant Loan Servicers
Builder Report Offers Reminder. Affordable Rental Units Needed
CoreLogic: 10.9 Million Borrowers are Underwater
Rental Demand Brightens Dark Housing Outlook
GSE Reform Perspective: More Legislation Proposed
QRM Restricts Credit and Adds Borrowing Costs, Senators Say
Mortgage Bankers Ask FHA to Permit Use of E-Signatures
Foreclosures Sell at 27% Discount. Distress Focused in Few States
Consumer Assumptions Altered by Crisis. Financial Future Impacted
Loan Servicing Education: Reform Perspectives Summarized