Jann Swanson - Mortgage News Daily Article Contributions
Fate of Private-Label MBS Market Rests on Two Pillars
Delinquency Survey Shows Positive Developments
Rents Seen Rising as Poor Credit Hurts Homeownership Demand
HUD Audits Accuse Major Lenders of False Claims Fraud
Banks Face New Probe in Lending Crisis Blame Game
FHLBanks Focused on Wrong Business. Housing Mission Overlooked
Homebuilders Go Numb. Confidence Index Frozen
Bipartisian GSE Replacement Bill Takes Shape. Mirrors MBA Plan
Steep Drop in Foreclosure Filings Only Temporary: RealtyTrac
Household Debt Grows in Q1. First Expansion in Ten Quarters
Home Price Perspectives Warped by Tax Credit: CoreLogic
Realtors Hear Input on Role of GSEs in Housing Finance
Housing Market Bottom: Still Underwater
HAMP Conversions Up. Largest Payment Cuts Yield Best Results
Cash-Out Refis Dry Up. Lack of Equity and Tight Credit to Blame
Commercial and Multifamily Market Making a Comeback?
Survey: Prospective Home Buyers Lack Basic Mortgage Education
Foreclosure Pipeline "Bloated". New Delinquencies Down
Loan Officer Survey: Lending Regs No Looser
Home Remodeling a Forward Indicator of Housing Bottom?
Affordable Housing Units Needed for Low Income Renters
GSEs Align Servicing Regs to Streamline Delinquency Resolution
Neighborhood Stabilization: Tailored Tactics Needed
Homeless Assistance Programs Get $216 Million in HUD Funding
Financial Literacy: Is Homeownership Counseling Helpful?
Profits Down at Mortgage Banks in Q4 2010
Fannie Mae Outlook: Economy Hits Air Pocket
Financial Literacy: Your Best Defense Against Predatory Lending
Distressed Inventory Dampens Builder Confidence
Non-Agency Lending Limited by QRM Rules
Default Notices and Evictions Increase in March. Data Still Distorted
Loan Servicer Sanctions Levied. Penalties Pending
Consumer Protection Bureau Forges Partnership with State AGs
MBA Urges Regulators Not to Rush Critical Mortgage Reforms
Community Bankers Face Regulatory Inequalities
March Housing Scorecard Reflects Stagnant Marketplace
Risk Manager to Run FHA Once Stevens Steps Aside
DeMarco Debates GSE Reform Approaches
CoreLogic Estimates Shadow Inventory at 1.8 Million Homes
MBA Expresses "Profound Concern" Over Risk Retention Proposals
Republicans Dive Head First into GSE Reform with Eight New Bills
Case-Shiller: Home Price Double-Dip Materializing
NAR Estimates Shadow Inventory by State
Pending Home Sales Up 2.1 Percent in February
Housing Advocates Remind Policymakers of Reform Principles
Freddie Mac Rules Out MERS Foreclosures
Case-Shiller Survey: Home Prices Likely Heading Lower
FDIC to Propose "Qualified Residential Mortgage" Definition
YouTube It: Foreclosure Myths and Scams
SIFMA Knocks Loan Servicer Settlement Terms