Jann Swanson - Mortgage News Daily Article Contributions
Choice Neighborhood Initiative Links Housing, Health and Education
Protecting Home Loan Consumers Starts with Simplifying Disclosures
Risk Retention Regs Boost Mega-Bank Market Share
Incoming MBA President Potentially Hindered by Revolving Door Policy
Home Builder Outlook Improves Before Spring Buying Season
HUD Focused on Rebuilding America's Dilapidated Housing Inventory
HARP Extended for Another Year
Principal Reduction Debate: Focused Attention Needed
Housing Finance: Credit Policies Dictate Private Demand
Fewer Default Notices in February. Home Repos Restricted
HUD Sued by AARP Over Reverse Mortgage Rule Change
Servicer Settlement Terms Released to Public
HAMP: On the Chopping Block
USDA Lowers Upfront Guarantee Fee. Shifts Cost to Annual Repayment
Loan Servicer Code of Conduct Proposed by State Officials and DOJ
House Committee Votes to Cut Emergency Lending Programs
Congressional Panel Questions FHFA Economist on Impact of TARP
STAR Scorecard: Loan Servicer Performance Metrics Explained
Housing Scorecard: Delinquencies Down. Foreclosures Delayed
HUD Secretary Outlines Housing Goals. Discusses 2012 Budget
$50 Million in Affordable Housing and Community Development Grants Awarded
Geithner Sets Two-Year Target on Housing Finance Reform
Poor Credit Tops List of Homeownership Barriers. Rents Seen Rising
Fence-Sitting Homebuyers Face FHA Fee Hike Deadline
Fannie Mae Rolls Out Servicer Evaluation Program
Foreclosure Sales Fall in Fourth Quarter 2010. Asterisks Noted
FDIC Urges America to Set Up Automatic Savings Plan
FHFA Promotes Loan Servicing Uniformity and Penalties for Non-Compliance
S&P/Case-Shiller: Home Prices End 2010 on Downtrend
Refinancing Borrowers Shun ARMs in Q4. Opt for Shorter Loan Terms
HUD Unveils New Research Quarterly
Non-Agency Lending: How to Attract Private Funding to a Riskier Market
MBA: Delinquency Rates Down, Some to Pre-Recession Levels
Homebuilders Still Hampered by Appraisal Inaccuracies and Lack of Financing Options
HUD 2012 Budget: Increased Outlays Offset by Incoming FHA Receipts
Fed Governor Says Housing and Banking Industry Owes America
Homeless Veterans Get More Attention from HUD
More GSE Reform Proposals Offered. Reduced Loan Limits Inevitable
RealtyTrac Releases January Foreclosure Filing Data
Fed Study: Add Bankruptcy Reform to List of Foreclosure Triggers
Fate of Housing Finance Poses Risk to Broader Economic Recovery: Lacker
Housing Finance Reform Assumptions Refuted by Congressman Garrett
FHFA Rule Eliminates Private Transfer Fees
Fed Defers Another Mortgage Reform. Originator Comp. on Schedule
Low Income Housing Needs Skyrocket. "Worst Case" Worsens
HAMP: Largest Payment Reductions Produce Best Loan Performance
Banks See Value in Owning Mortgages.Time to Jumpstart Non-Agency Lending
GSE Reform: "A Responsible Market for Housing Finance"
Moody's Looks at Implications of GSE Reform. Sees Slow Process
MBA Outlines Regulatory and Legislative Priorities for 2011