Jann Swanson - Mortgage News Daily Article Contributions
Foreclosure Help Is Available
Builders Confidence Hits 26 Year Low as Permits and Starts Fall Again
Mortgage Rates Mixed But Application Volume Remains Steady
Nobody Understands Buyer Agency - Certainly Not Newsweek
More Action RE: Subprime Lending and Mortgage Regulation
NAACP Subprime Discrimination Suit
Subprime Disaster Continues To Unfold
Mortgage Rates Move In Opposite Directions on Surveys
Pros and Cons of the Various Housing Indicators
Two MBA Surveys Paint Picture of Mortgage Market in 2006
Federal Agencies Issue Final Guidance On Subprime Mortgages
Mortgage Rates Curbed By Housing Recession
American Home Recinds Earnings Guidance In Wake Of Loan Losses
Home Fire Sprinklers - A Great Idea That Has Not Happened Yet
Efforts Made To Help Borrowers Avoid Foreclosure
Mortgage Rates Roll Back From 2007 Highs
New And Existing Home Sales Continue To Languish
Subprime Mess Hits Wall Street Again
State Of The Nations Housing - Harvard Study
Mortgage Rates Take Biggest Jump In Three Years
Housing Starts Slip and Builders Still Glum
MBA Delinquency Data Not As Dire As RealtyTrac Reports
Credit Piggybacking - What Will They Think Of Next?
Mortgage Rates Continue Upward Spiral
Major Real Estate Corp Sees Marketing Possibilities In Virtual World
Will Subprime Problems Spill Over Into Conventional Markets?
NAR Forecast Reveals A Wee Bit Of Gloom
Alt-A Lender GreenPoint Mortgage Closes Multiple Offices
Real Estate Sales Information Not Public In All States
Mortgage Rates Climb For Third Straight Week
Nothing Wrong With Buying A Flip As Long As It Is A Good One
Home Prices Show Positive Growth But Slowest In Ten Years
Buying Virtual Real Estate Is Neither Easy Or Cheap
Mortgage Rates Surge While Applications and Refinancing Weak
Redfin Forced To Shut Down House Reviews While CBS and NAR Fight On
Existing Home Sales Were Down 2.6 Percent In April
New Home Sales Jump In April
Mortgage Rates Move Up On Inflation Worries
Virgin Acquires Majority Stake In Family-Centered Mortgage Company
Home Builder Confidence Is Down And Permitting Appears To Reflect It
NAR Counterpunches After 60 Minute Segment on Discount Agents
Mortgage Rates Remain Relatively Stable, Again
Second Life Businesses Can Rake In Some Surprising Profits and Participants
Is Virtual Real Estate More Than An Oxymoron?
One Persons Stigma Could Be Anothers Selling Point
Freddie Mac Housing Forecast Sees Slow Recovery
Mortgage Rates and Applications Remain Relatively Flat
Home Equity Still Being Pulled Despite Soft Housing Market
NHMC and NAA Sue HUD over Language Requirements
Drop In Investment Purchases Offsets Vacation Property Sales Gains