Jann Swanson - Mortgage News Daily Article Contributions
NAR Put Big Money On The Table To Support Its Candidates
Housing Bubble Leak Showing Up In Other Parts Of Economy
Mortgage Rates Back To November 2005 Levels
CFA Hits Real Estate Industry On Low Entry Barriers and Lack Of Oversight
Consumer Group Calls For Regulation of MLS As A Public Utility
Mortgage Rates Mixed But Freddie Mac Sees Hope In Inventory Declines
Readers Weigh In On Real Estate Competitiveness and Commissions
Study Debunks Boomer Urban Migration Myth
New Home Prices Take a Real Hit But Sales May Be Stabilizing
MBA Mortgage Rates and Applications
Mortgage Rates Remain Static - MBA Releases Prime and Subprime Activity Report
Two New Studies Look at Homebuying Patterns of Older Americans
Home Sellers Should Remember That They And Their Homes Are Not National Statistics
Housing Starts and Builder Confidence Show Slight Improvement
Mortgage Rates Resume Climb After Brief Respite
Slow and Steady is the Best Way to Clean Up Bad Credit
Mortgage Rates Stagnant But Refinancing Strong
October Forecast Sees Housing Finding Solid Ground
Shipping Container Houses Are Coming
Mortgage Lender Fraud Increase Seen By Law Enforcement
Most Mortgage Rates Decline as Mortgage Applications Increase Sharply
Energy Costs Not Likely To Encourage Green Home Improvements
Federal Bank Regulators Offer Guidelines For Exotic Mortgage Lending
Mortgage Rates Down Again - Some Changes Significant
Housing Bubble Watch: Home Prices Decline For First Time In 11 Years
Ethnicity Counts When It Comes To Higher-Priced Subprime Loans
Federal Reserve Report Highlights Lending Concentration and Other Loan Patterns
Mortgage Rates Resume Slow Decline - Application Volume Increases
Housing Bubble Watch: New Home Construction Reports
National Delinquency Study Is Just A Bit Disquieting
Mortgage Rates Up For First Time In Seven Weeks
Housing Bubble Watch: Freddie Mac Report Partially Frosty
Option ARMs At The Center of Rate Shock Fears
Home Price Increases Seen Slowing In OFHEO Report
Mortgage Rates Down Nearly 40 Basis Points From Year High
Candidate For Rate Shock? Some Suggestions, Maybe Some Comfort
You Might Be Surprised By What Triggers Credit Bureau Actions
Mortgage Rates Continue Five Week Slide
House Real Estate Hearings - Prosecution Rests And Defense Steps Up
Housing Bubble Watch: New and Existing Home Sales Tumble
Mortgage Rates Reset Shock Is The Latest Worry In Mortgage Markets
Mortgage Rates Return To April Levels
Housing Bubble Watch: Housing Permits, Starts, Builder Confidence Fall
NAR Takes A Lickin From Competitors At Oxley Hearings
Mortgage Rates Move In Opposite Directions
Fannie Mae Slips Another Deadline, Freddie Mac Reform and OFHEO Wants Greater Power
Housing Bubble Watch: Housing Sector No Longer Fueling The Economy
Oxley Hearings Investigate Real Estate Competitiveness
Mortgage Rates Down Even Before The Fed Halts Rate Increases
The Changing Real Estate Market - Oxley Holds Hearings