Jann Swanson - Mortgage News Daily Article Contributions
Negative Impact of Housing On Economy Lessens As Inventories Decline
Home Equity Still Fueling Refinancing
Mortgage Rates and Application Rates Both Mixed at the End of January
Florida Tornados and Scientific Reports Bad News For Homeowners
MBA Urges Regulators To Avoid Invoking Suitability Standards
Mortgage Rates Are Mixed As Markets Await Direction
Apartment Group Targets NIMBY Arguments
An Update on PMI Tax Deductions
New And Existing Home Sales Continue Retreat From Record Highs
Mortgage Rates Continue Upward Trend While Applications Slow
The Truth, Sort Of, About Open Houses
Permits and Housing Starts Reflect Builder Optimism
Mortgage Rates Up and MBA Issues Long Term Forecast
Luxury Home Sales Hold Their Own In Down Housing Market
Freddie Mac: Three Trends Will Impact Home Market and Financing
NAR To Launch $40 Million Ad Campaign
Freddie Mac Releases Results Of Annual ARM Survey
Mortgage Rates Take A New Year Holiday
Reply.com Moves To Corner A Niche Of The Real Estate Industry
Green House Exhibit Is An Invitation To Think Twice About The Environment
Mortgage Rates Move Higher On Consumer Spending and Calendar
Federal Reserve Issues New CHARM Handbook for Consumers and Lenders
Is The End Of The End Of The Housing Bubble Near?
Realogy Sale Not Necessarily A Done Deal
Mortgage Rates Drift and Activity Slows During Pre-Holiday Week
Housing Starts, Permits and Builder Confidence Stabilize In Recent Surveys
Clarifications About The Zillow Website
Mortgage Rates And Volume Flatten In Pre-Holiday Market
Zillow Announces Upgrades To Site As First Birthday Approaches
Three Ex-Fannie Mae Execs Hit With Massive Civil Charges
Fannie Mae Plays Catchup With SEC and Sues Its Former Auditor
Mortgage Rates Remain Low While Applications Reach Recent Highs
PMI Deduction Buried In The Closing Acts Of Congress
National Building Museum Is A Change Of Pace In Washington D.C.
Housing Recovery - Normal Not White Hot Growth
Unmarried Homeowners Part II
Mortgage Rates Spur Refinance Market
Significant Others Need To Think About Their Legal Status When Buying A Home
New Home Sales Report Issued For October
Mortgage Rates, Applications Down In Short Holiday Week
Conforming Loan Limits Remain Unchanged
Existing Home Sales Increase Slightly But Median Prices Decline
It Might Seem Like A Commune But Co-housing Is Not A Sixties Idea
OFHEO Outlines Plans For Declining Conforming Loan Limits
Mortgage Rates Drop As Inflation Threat Wanes
Home Prices and Volume Generally Down In Third Quarter
Anti-Eminent Domain Laws Both Won and Lost on Election Day
Housing Starts Dive But Builder and Buyer Confidence Are Up
Real Estate Technology Now Means Blogs
Mortgage Rates Drift Short Term With Little Change Since Last Year