Jann Swanson - Mortgage News Daily Article Contributions
Mortgage Rates Continue Up and Down Pattern
Peer-To-Peer Lending: A Prototype For The Future Of Mortgage Lending
Housing Bubble Watch: NAR Announces the Return of the Buyers Market
Mortgage Rates Rise Taking Back Last Weeks Gains
Texas Murder Raises Concerns For Real Estate Agent Safety
Single Women Employ Different Strategies In Buying and Financing A Home
Housing Bubble Watch: Building Stats Slip As Does Builder Confidence
Single Female Homebuyers - Who, Where and What
Mortgage Rates Ease While Freddie Mac Thinks Pressure May Be Off
Single Women Home Buyers Finding A Home Of Their Own
Study Measures Mortgage Interest and Real Estate Tax Deduction Benefits
MLS and Commissions Under Attack Again
Mortgage Rates Continue To Bounce Around Gently
Housing Bubble Watch: Freddie Mac Sees Orderly Cooling
Green Building Is Now A Trend, Maybe One Near A Tipping Point
Survey Finds Monthly Costs Outweigh Purchase Price of Home Ownership
Mortgage Rates Diverge On Surveys
Housing Bubble Watch: Reports Paint Confusing Picture
Mortgage Delinquency and Foreclosure Rates Remain Low
Mortgage Rates Up Substantially On Inflation Fears
Housing Bubble: Market Secure But Affordability Diminishing
Older Homes Versus New Homes - The Debate Continues
Freddie Mac Predicts Mortgage Rate Boredom - It Could Be A Good Thing
Three Houses And You Are Out
Housing Bubble Watch: Report Names 71 Metro Areas Significantly Over-Valued
Hedge Against A Housing Bubble With Housing Futures
OFHEO Wants Fannie Mae Bonus Money Returned
Mortgage Rates Softened By Job Growth
Report Attempts To Soothe Housing Bubble Fears
Home Prices Still Seen Rising According To Recent Survey
Inflation Fears Fuel Higher Mortgage Rates
Will The Housing Bubble Take the Economy With It?
Sell Now - The End Of The Housing Bubble
Mortgage Rates Rise and Housing Impact on GDP Lessens
Fannie Mae To Pay Large Penalty For Accounting Irregularities
New and Existing Home Sales Point To Contradictory Conclusions
Mortgage Rates Drift Higher While Applications Down
Housing Bubble: Fed Chairs Speak As One But Best Sellers Plug a Different View
Two New Reports Show Housing Exuberance Is Waning
Housing Bubble No Longer Expanding
Mortgage Rates Mixed but Activity Levels Up
The 50 Year Mortgage Is Introduced In California
May Economic Outlook Report Lowers Expectations
Freddie Mac Joins Others In Foreclosure Avoidance Program
Mortgage Rates Continue Uptick While Refinancing At Two Year Low
Google And Other Search Players Looking At Real Estate Search
Mortgage Rates, Applications, Cash Out Refinancing All Up
Housing Bubble Bust or Soft Landing - March Homes Sales Figures Up
Mortgage Rates Mixed With Rate Variations Regionally
What Do High Gas Prices Mean For The Housing Market?