Jann Swanson - Mortgage News Daily Article Contributions
Home Purchase Contingencies III
Mortgage Study - Americans Will Carry Mortgage Into Golden Years
Clean Up That Offer To Purchase - Part II
Clean Up That Offer To Purchase
Home Sales Continue To Climb While Affordability Declines
Stripping Makes It To The Big Time
Fannie Mae Test Drives 40 Year Mortgages
Fannie Mae Slashes Quarterly Dividend
The Real Estate Agents Bill of Rights
Housing To Have A Splendid Year
Two New Housing Initiatives Aimed At Minority Community
Weekly Freddie Mac Rate Report Adds New Category
Its National Radon Action Month
Mortgage Applications Down During Holiday Week
Mortgage Rates Rise For Second Straight Week
Alaska Eliminates Dual Agency
FHA Raises Mortgage Limits
Fannie Mae Appoints New Independent Auditor
Freddie Mac Issues Annual Adjustable Rate Mortgage Survey
Fannie Starts the Long Process of “Digging Out.”
Don’t Let The Figures Throw You, Look For Trends
Agent Expectations Part II
Fannie Mae Continues To Dominate Industry News
Fannie Mae Scandal Topples Two Execs
Fannie Mae Advised To Restate Earnings
Buying A Condo: Make Sure You Cover All Contingencies
Buying A Condo Is Not Like Buying A House
Freddie Issues Monthly Economic Outlook, UCLA Not Sure It Agrees
Buyers Now Represented By Agents In A Majority of Real Estate Transactions
Same-House Values Continue Climb
One Day Old Credit Report Law Is Fueling Fraud
Fannie Mae Gets Slapped Again
Fannie Mae Raises Conforming Loan Limit
Free Credit Report Availabilty Begins Slow National Rollout
The Hardest Part Of Buying A House Might Be The Forms
New Home Sales Take An Unexpected Jump
ForSaleByOwner.com Beats Back Ban
Apparently Oxley Not Just Curious
Congressional Leader Requests Info On Real Estate Information Technology
Ohio Is First State To Sue Fannie Mae
Congress Increases VA Loan Guarantee
Fannie Mae Misses 10 Q Filing Deadline
Big Whoops At NBC
A Good Offense
Freddie Mac Bumps Up 2004 and 2005 Projections
Choosing A Real Estate Agent - Top Producer or Hungry Rookie?
Freddie Mac Notes Increase in Cash Out Refinancing
National Association of Realtors Holds Annual Conference
Freddie Mac Kicks Off Home Buying Awareness Program
Understanding Real Estate Agency - Part Two