Jann Swanson - Mortgage News Daily Article Contributions
Lower Rates Helped Raise January Closing Rate
A Sharp Increase in January Housing Permits Defies Predictions
Refi Applications Ebb, But The Boom Goes On
Fannie Mae Upgrades GDP, Many Housing Forecasts
Builder Confidence Survey Shows Optimism is Still High
Fannie/Freddie Report Growing Net Worth Under new Policy
Proposed 2021 Budget Would Increase G-Fees
Q4 Mortgage Delinquencies Reach All-Time Low
Home Price Gains Picked Up Speed in Q4
Refi Applications hit Seven-Year Highs on Coronavirus Fears, Lower Rates
Renters Mistakenly Believe They're Paying Less Than Owners
Realtors Say Legal Weed Biz a Plus For Housing
Home Builders Report Much-Needed Residential Construction Job Gains
Americans in 2020 are Increasingly Confident with Homebuying, Rates
How Fragile is Affordability in Housing?
Lenders Continue to Shed Higher Risk Programs
Government Inconsistency With Student Debt Calculations is Preventing Homeownership. That Needs to Change.
Lower Rates Push Mortgage Applications to a Six-Year High
How Lenders Plan to Find and Retain Customers (And How That Might Change)
Home Price Gains at Entry Level Vex First-Time Buyers
Total Construction Spending Essentially Unchanged in 2019
Low Rates Boost Homebuying Power 16 Percent
Homeownership Rate Still Barely Budging
FHA Loans Becoming More Popular as Market Recovers
2019 Was a Great Year to Sell Your Home
Pending Home Sales Erase More Than Half of 2019's Gains in a Single Report
Refis Still Shine as Lower Rates Drive Mortgage Applications
Refis Made up More Than Half of Freddie Mac December Business
Home Price Gains Resumed in November
New Home Sales Pull Back Slightly in December; Year-Over-Year Gains Continue
Changes to FICO are on the Way
Here's How The Average Loan Looked in December
Foreclosures at 14-Year Low; Loan "Mortality" up 126% Annually
Existing Home Sales Highest in Nearly 2 Years
Home Prices Still Growing at More than 5% Annually
Fannie Predicts Pick-Up in Residential Construction in 2020
Mortgage Application Volume Retains Most of Last Week's Gains
Gen Z and Millennials Plan on Buying Homes in Larger Numbers
December's Housing Starts Surged to 13-Year High
Home Builders Confidence Remains Near 20-Year High
Lower Housing Affordability Linked to Slower Job Growth
VA Removes Loans Limits, Increases Fees
Mortgage Applications Soar to Best Levels in Over a Decade
How Downsized Building Trends Affect Bedrooms and Bathrooms
Finding a Balance Between Mortgage Availability and Default Risk
Smaller, Smarter: How Builders are Changing Housing and Courting Millennials
Survey Says: Great Time to Buy a Home, Or Sell!
November Home Prices Post Highest Gains in 10 Months
Homebuying Sentiment Up Sharply from 2018
Mortgage Applications Start Year on Positive Note