Jann Swanson - Mortgage News Daily Article Contributions
Local Governments are Preparing for Forbearance Fallout
Servicers on the Hook as 4.1 Million Loans Now in Forbearance
Fannie Mae Sentiment Index Plunges to Nine-Year Low
FHFA Extends Emergency Loan Processing Changes
Purchase Volume on Three-Week Winning Streak
Agencies are Cutting Access to Mortgage Data for Low-Income Borrowers
Home Price Growth Slows, Mostly Unchanged in April
Forbearance Problem Remains Huge, But The Pace is Slowing
Healthcare and Public Safety Expenditures Boost Construction in April
Here's How The Pandemic Affected Housing/Mortgage Markets in March
Fannie Profit Plummets; Forbearance Fears Confirmed
Home Seller Profits Still Significant Despite Coronavirus Impact
Forbearance Count Nears Four Million, 7.3% of all Mortgages
Freddie Mac Posts Q1 Gain Despite Pandemic Hit
Pending Sales Dip 20% but Realtors See Dislocation as Temporary
Mortgage Applications Show Possible Signs of an Upturn?
Homeownership Highest in Nearly 7 Years
Will February Prove to be the Last Positive Home Sales Report for Now?
Mortgage Market Shows Resilience, Refis Continue to Dominate Freddie's Volume
Freddie Announces No Lump Sump Required After Forbearance
3.4 Million Loans Already in Forbearance - Black Knight
What's Working and What Needs to Change For Mortgage Process -Urban Institute
Covid Impacts New Home Sales, Largest Decline in 7 Years
Covid Pandemic Making "Virtual" Inspections a Reality
February Home Prices Stay Their Course, Increase 5.7% Annually
Purchase Applications Stabilizing, Refis Rage On
FHFA Limits Servicer Obligations for Loans in Forbearance
Covid Fallout Fails to Stop March Home Sales, 97 Months of Annual Growth
Number of FHA Loans in Forbearance Doubles in One Week
February Rent Increases were Largest in Four Years
Forbearance Agreements Hitting Smaller Servicers Hard
Fannie Mae Predicts Short But Excruciating Downturn
March Closings Dominated by Refinancing
Pandemic? Not a Problem for These Sight-Unseen Buyers
This Chart of New Home Construction Looks Surprisingly Good Despite Biggest Hit in 40 Years
Fannie/Freddie Regulator and CFPB Agree Will Share Mortgage Servicing Info
Builder Confidence Utterly Decimated by Coronavirus
Mortgage Application Volume Shows Pipeline Control is Working
Freddie Cautiously Optimistic as Housing Market Shows Resilience
Nearly 2 Million Forbearances Already
Black Knight's Deep Dive Part 3: How Housing and Mortgages Move On
Ginnie Mae Will Advance Investor Payments on Non-Current Loans
Millennials and How They've Changed Housing
Realtors Think Sales are Deferred, Not Lost
Homebuyer Sentiment Takes a Nosedive in March
Mortgage Applications Retreat as Covid Weighs on Markets
Low Rates Could Mitigate Some COVID Damage
Forbearance Explosion Beginning to Hit Mortgage Market
After Blockbuster February, Home Prices Face Uncharted Territory
Covid-Related Job Losses Hit Residential Construction