Jann Swanson - Mortgage News Daily Article Contributions
Freddie Says Economic Stimulus Softened Pandemic's Impact
CFPB Attempts to Clarify Servicer Credit Reporting Requirements
New Home Construction is Officially Picking Back Up
Purchase Applications Hit 11yr High, Refi Boom Continues
Regulator Seeks Authority to Charter Fannie/Freddie Competitors
Builder Confidence Crushes Expectations
Refi Surge Boosts Lender Sentiment
More Home Flipping, Less Profit
Forbearances Drift Lower for Second Week in a Row
Equity Cushion May Prevent Another Housing Crisis
Credit Access Retreats Back to Six-Year Lows
Quarantines Lift, Mortgage Volume Explodes
May Homebuying Sentiment Shows Signs of Recovery
Loan Performance Showed Only Minimal Stress in March
Black Knight Takes a Close Look at April's Historic Delinquency Rate
CFPB Warns Servicers and Lenders to Adhere to CARES Act
Forbearance Numbers Appear to Shrink, but There's a Catch
Pandemic's Disproportionate Effects on Housing Supply, Affordability
Falling Mortgage Rates Boost Purchase Apps 18% YoY
CoreLogic Expects 2021 to see First Home Price Decline in 9 Years
April Construction Spending Still Besting 2019 Numbers
Builder Incentives Kept April Home Sales Strong
UI Takes a Deep Dive Into May's Mortgage Market
April's Forbearance Requests Slow to a Relative Trickle
Pending Sales Rout May Signal a Bounce for Housing - Realtors
Freddie's Loan Portfolio on Pace to Increase by 14.3 Percent This Year
Home Purchase Apps Highest Since January
April New Home Sales Crush Forecasts
Home Prices Still Moved Higher in March
First Wave of Forbearances Almost Doubles Delinquency Rates
More Evidence That Forbearance is Widely Being Taken as a Precaution
Existing Sales hit 10-Year Low, But Low Rates are a Silver Lining
Refis Dominated April Closings as Lenders Tackle Constant Changes
FHFA Pushes Forward With Fannie/Freddie Conservatorship Exit
CFPB Empowers Fannie/Freddie to Overcome Lockdown Woes
Vast Majority of Forbearances Going to Those Who Don't Need Them
A Silver Lining in Mortgage Apps? Purchases Continue to Grow; Forbearance Requests Slow
Borrowers in Forbearance Can Still Get a Mortgage, Probably...
April's Harsh Residential Construction Numbers Meet Expectations
Fannie/Freddie Seek Financial Advisor to Help Them Exit Conservatorship
Redfin CEO Says Vacation Market is "Toast"
Signs of Recovery? Builder Confidence Regains Footing in May
Fannie Says Q2 Will be Tough, but Housing, Healthcare Should Bolster Recovery
MBA Says Buyers Will Return by Summer as Lockdown Ends
Forbearance Volume Continues, but at a Slower Pace
Despite Record Unemployment, Delinquencies are Still Down From Last Year
FHA Borrowers Offered New Option for Catching Up on Loans
Refi Boom Remains Steady as Purchase Demand Continues to Heal
Pre-Lockdown Home Prices Increase by Double-Digits in Some Metros
Calm Before the Storm: Delinquency Rates Hit New Lows in February