Jann Swanson - Mortgage News Daily Article Contributions
Are Manufactured Homes the Unlikely Answer to Housing Shortage?
Online Homebuyer Course Could Help Borrowers Qualify
New Home Sales are Stronger in Growing Cities
Single Family Construction Spending Struggles to Catch up to 2018
How do 2020 Candidates Want to Solve Housing Shortage?
Tracking and Explaining Big Picture Shifts in Mortgage Risk Factors
Home Price Deceleration: Over or Merely on Pause?
Pending Home Sales Index Surges Past 2018 Numbers
Mortgage Demand Light For Holidays, But Well Ahead of Last Year
Multifamily Delinquencies Ticking Up Slowly
New Home Sales Remain Near 12 Year Highs
How do Rising Rates Affect Loan Performance?
Senate Banking Committee Has Some Questions Regarding Housing Reform
FHFA Reports to Congress on G-Fees
Fannie's Housing Forecast Expects Silver Lining for Dreary New Home Sales and the Economy
Inventory Shortage Continues to Weaken New Home Sales
Mortgage Apps Reflect Seasonal Slowdown
Home Building Defies Expectations, Up 11% From 2018
Builder Confidence Highest in Two Decades
Lender Survey: Has the Refi Boom Run Out of Steam?
Only 2 Million U.S. Homes Remain Underwater
Sluggish Loan Applications Show Weakness in New Home Sales
NAR Forecasts on GDP, Rate Cuts, and Probability of Recession
Everyone is Still Refinancing; FHA Refis at 3 Year High
Home Purchase Sentiment Rebounds to Near Record Highs
FHA's Mortgage Insurance Fund Improvement Has Come a Long Way
Lots of Refinancing, So Why Are Servicers Losing Business?
Loan Characteristics Mostly Account for Conforming/Jumbo Spread
October's Increases Suggest a Reversal in Home Price Slump
Access to Government Backed Mortgages Finally Improves
FHA 2020 Loan Limits Set
Housing Construction too Slow for Growing Population of Millennials
Mortgage Apps Hit on a Technicality, But Purchases Still Increased
Could FHA's Recovery Lead to Reduced Mortgage Insurance Premiums?
Home Price Gains Aren't For Everyone (Or Everywhere)
Construction Spending up 1.1% YoY, Private Sector Losing Momentum
Freddie Mac Predicts Lower Rates in the Next Two Years
Refinancing Share of Freddie's Volume Soared in October
Pending Home Sales Decline, But Still in Strong Territory
Mortgage Apps On-Track for Best Year Since 2007
Conforming Loan Limit Increased to $510,400
New Home Sales Highest in 12 Years
Are Home Prices Finally Done Decelerating?
Loan Data Shows Making Mortgage Payments got Easier in October
Move Over Millennials, Gen Z is Ready for Homeownership
Mortgage Companies Score Highest Profits in Seven Years
Existing Home Sales Resume Gains, Realtors Say More to Come
October Refi Share Highest in Four Years
The Death of The Mortgage Broker Has Been Greatly Exaggerated
MBA Says New Home Sales are on a Roll