Jann Swanson - Mortgage News Daily Article Contributions
Delayed November Construction Numbers Largely Positive
Why Are Mortgage Payment Amounts Rising 3 Times Faster Than Home Prices?
Fannie Mae VP: Lenders Need More Inventory!
November New Home Sales - Worth the Wait
Realtors Expect Pending Sales to Improve in 2019
Freddie Mac Forecast Sees Lower Interest Rates Holding
Freddie Mac's Portfolio Grew 4.2 Percent in 2018
Mortgage Apps Down Slightly, are Rates to Blame?
Fear of Past Mistakes Holding Back FHA Modification Program
Despite Inventory and Affordability Woes, Home Prices Continue to Rise
Older Homes Deter Upgrade of Housing Stock
More Buyers Turning to ARMs to Achieve Ownership
2018 Ended with Record Low Delinquencies
FHFA Home Prices See No Slowdown
Prolonged Shutdown Could be Trouble for Housing
Mortgage Applications Settle Back into Winter Norms
Big Changes at Fannie/Freddie, Is Conservatorship Nearing an End?
Rising Inventories Tempering Prices, Existing Home Sales Resume Slide
Has RESPA's Servicer Rule Reduced Foreclosures?
New Home Sales Pull Back Amid Global Uncertainty
Will New FHFA Head Follow his Instincts or Bow to Reality?
Builder Confidence Buoyed by Lower Rates
Millionaires Cash-Out Too; Big Refis for Big Homes
Purchase Mortgage Applications Reach 8 Year High
NAR Survey Finds American Dream Depends on Affordability
MBA Revives Income Verification During Govt Shutdown
CFPB: How ATR/QM Rule has Changed Lending
Prepayment Rate Shrinks, Composition Shifts
Credit Access Takes a Hit as HARP Expires
Small Price and Rate Changes Make a Big Difference for Homebuyers
Lower Rates and Their Effect on Purchases, Refis
Mortgage Apps Surge as Borrowers Return in Droves, Rates Drop
Government Shutdown has Little Effect on Real Estate
Despite Disaster Impacts, Loans are Performing Historically Well
Housing Sentiment Struggling, But Still Respectable
Another Dim Outlook for Refinancing
Freddie Mac Sees Market for SFR Securitizations
Even With Lower Rates, Mortgage Applications Drop 9.8%
November Home Price Gains Slowing , Still up 5.1% YoY
Single-Family Homes Now Integral to Rental Stock
Pending Sales; Foiled Again!
Fannie/Freddie Annual Prices Soften; New Home Sales Delayed
Case-Shiller Says Home Price Gains Slowing, Still up 5.5%
Freddie Mac Portfolio Grows 6.8 Percent, Refi's on the Rise
Urban Institute: QM Rule May Penalize Self-Employed
Improved Household Debt Levels Could Insulate Against a Downturn
Higher Rates Reinvigorate the ARM Loan Share
FHFA Scorecard - More General than Aspirational
Prepayment Activity at Recession Lows, Total Delinquencies Down YoY
After Extended Losses, Existing Homes Sales Improve for Second Month