Jann Swanson - Mortgage News Daily Article Contributions
Great Recession Still Taking Toll
Fannie Mae Research: Housing, What a Drag?
Second Quarter Loan Performance Shows Steady Improvement
Purchase Origination Share Remains at Survey High
Construction Numbers Post Sluggish Recovery
Economic Environment Depressing Millennal Homeownership
Builder Confidence Retreats Once Again
Mortgage Applications: Purchase Volume Declines, Refis Stabilize
Florida, Houston Delinquencies Still Reflecting 2017 Storms
Aging Housing Stock; Problem and Opportunity
Affordability at 10-Year Low, Tariffs and Rate Hikes Made It Worse
Fannie Mae Announces Wildfire Policies
MBA Says New Home Purchase Apps Reflect Housing Start Surge
Freddie Mac Announces Wildfire Forbearance Policy
Existing Home Sales "Cooled" in Q2, Prices Did Not
Home Buying/Selling Attitudes, Job Security Take Hit in Survey
Mortgage Applications Activity Dips to 19 Month Low
Jumbo and Conventional Loans See Increased Availability
Two New Freddie Mac Pilots Target Affordable Rents
Wells Fargo: Deja Vu All Over Again
Black Knight: Home Price Increases are Slowing; Affordability Stabilizes
CoreLogic: Low-End Rent Growth is Slowing
Urban Institute: Rethinking Loan Denial Calculations
Fannie and Freddie Extend Strong Earning Streak
Labor Shortages, Material Costs, Cause Construction Stumble in June
Buying a Home? Many Feel it Won't Get Easier
Mortgage Application Activity Down for Third Consecutive Week
Congress Votes to Keep Flood Insurance on Life Support for 4 More Months
Will We Be Ready When Boomers Exit Homeownership?
Home Price Gains are Beginning to Hurt Sales
Pending Sales Gained Ground in June, Continued Year-Over-Year Slump
Freddie Mac's Mortgage Portfolio Up 3.8 Percent at Mid-Year
Under 35 Homeownership Rate Rising Fastest
New Home Sales Continue See-Saw Pattern, Down 5.3 Percent
Mortgage Application Activity Hits Summer Doldrums
Home Prices Step Up Pace Again
FHFA Forced to Put Credit Score Decision on Hold
Black Knight: Delinquencies Roll Back to Pre-Recession Levels
Freddie Mac Hopes for 2nd Half Home Sale Surge
Existing Home Sales Fall for Third Month Despite Increasing Inventories
NAHB Sees Lopsided Growth in Housing Starts
Fannie Sees Growth Slowing, Turns Bearish on Housing
Libor - Not Exactly an Obituary, But...
FHFA Ruled Unconstitutional, but Net Sweep Prevails
Purchase Share and Interest Rates Creep up, Hit New Ellie Mae Highs
Millennial Homeownership Headwinds Worrisome for Future
Housing Permits Soften, Starts Plummet
Mortgage Applications: Decline in Purchases Offset by Refinance Gains.
Builder Confidence: Strong but Unchanged, Material Costs Rising
Builders Heeding Advice to Go West. Or South