Jann Swanson - Mortgage News Daily Article Contributions
Huge Decline in Forbearances, Down 67 Percent From Peak
Credit Loosens as New Refi Programs Come on Line
Equity Explosion Bodes Well for Lenders
Fannie/Freddie Will Develop New Plans for Equitable Financing
Home Buying Sentiment Improves Slightly
CoreLogic: Home Price Gains Expected to Slow to 2.7% by Next Year
400,000 Homeowners Enter Final Month in Forbearance
Conventional Loans Take 76% Market Share, Highest Since 2008
Construction Spending: Residential is Only Game in Town
HUD Unveils Multi-Agency Affordable Housing Plans
Freddie Mac's Purchase Volumes Eroded in July
Decline in Refis Pulls Mortgage Application Volume Lower
Investor Share of Home Purchases in Decline
Home Prices Continue Runaway Gains, More Double-Digit Growth in June
GSEs Outline Available Hurricane Ida Relief
Inventories Continue to Constrain Home Purchase Activity
Testing Pandemic Housing Assumptions, Round One
Lower Rates Increase Government Loan Volumes
Mortgage Banker Profits Drop More than a Third
New Home Sales Post First Gains Since March
Existing Home Sales Back on the Rise as Inventories Improve
Fannie Mae Says COVID-19 Surge Won't Impact Growth. Probably.
Although Dwindling, Serious Delinquencies Still a Concern
Fannie's New Rental History Credit Boost Not as Simple as it Sounds
Builders Pull Back on Housing Starts
Mortgage Applications Indicate Shift Toward First-Time Buyers
Mixed Messages in New Home Purchase Application Data
Builder Confidence Falls to 13 Month Low
Rent Gains are Setting Records Too
Forbearance Plans Drop Below 1.8M
Construction Material Costs are Setting New Records
Realtors See Home Prices Moderating Soon
Fannie Mae to Add Rent Payments to Credit Evaluations
Credit Access Remain Near Pandemic Prompted Lows
Refinance Applications Bounce back to Winter Levels
Closing Times Improve But Pull-Through Falls -Origination Insight Report
CoreLogic: No Foreclosure Wave in Sight
Only 28% Think It's a Good Time to Buy
Fewer than 5 Percent of Homes Remain Underwater
Freddie Mac Set to Offer New Single-Close Renovation Loan
Freddie Mac Refinance Share Now Under 60 Percent
Mortgage Applications Pull Back Despite Lower Rates
GSEs' Incomes Doubled Year-Over-Year
Uh, About those Crystal Balls
Refinancing Numbers Responded Quickly to Adverse Fee Removal
Housing is the Only Game in Town For Construction Spending
Pandemic Could Become an Eviction Epidemic
Number of Loans in Forbearance Spiked Last Week
States Get Framework for Regulating Non-Bank Servicers
"Seesawing" Pending Sales May Signal Market Turning Point