Jann Swanson - Mortgage News Daily Article Contributions
Lack of Homes for Sale Could Eventually Curb Affordability Constraints
Homebuying Sentiment Hits Another Low, Even as Incomes Rise
Technology Continues to Reduce Closing Times
1st Quarter Mortgage Profits Just Broke a 2008 Record
Census Report Itemizes New Home Features
Is Commute Time Becoming a Housing Factor?
Construction Spending Increased Slightly in April, Led by Residential Sector
April's Home Prices Grew by 13% and Broke More Records
Home Price Gains Continue to Break Records
New Home Sales in April Approached1 Million Units, Just Missing Expectations
Looking for Affordable Housing? UI Says Look to Homeownership
Existing Home Sales Post Third Monthly Loss in April
Forbearances Rise Slightly as Borrowers Re-enter Plans
Housing Outlook Facing More Uncertainty
Refi Volume Increases for Second Week Despite Rise in Rates
Construction Starts Pulled Back in April Due to Supply Problems
Builder Confidence Holds Steady in Face of Rising Costs
Next New Home Sales Report Should End Slump -MBA
Mortgage Application Volume Revs Up For The First Time Since April
Even "Off-Radar" Metros Saw Huge Q1 Price Gains
Conventional Loan Access Expanded in April
Delinquency Rates Leveled Off in February
Homebuying Sentiment Turns Negative Despite Economic Improvement
Early Stage Delinquencies Sink to All-Time Lows
What's Behind the Surge in Lumber Prices?
Forbearance Exits Soar as More Plans Expire
Fannie/Freddie Provide Details on New Refi Options
Millennials Driving Home Prices; Entry Level Homes See Greatest Gains
CFPB Says Mortgage Complaints Have Spiked
Mortgage Application Volume Struggles to Keep up With Hot Housing Market
Fannie and Freddie Told to Write Their Wills
Residential Sector Continues to Drive Construction Spending
For Loan Performance, Good News Across the Board
Fannie/Freddie Income and Net Worth Increased in Q1
Refinance Loans Continue to Dominate Freddie Mac's Volume
Forbearance Totals Tick Higher
Pending Home Sales Rise Less Than Expected as Inventory Remains Ultra Tight
Digital Lending Tools are Reducing Mortgage Timeframes
Fannie/Freddie Creates Opportunity for Higher Risk Borrowers Who Missed Refi Boom
CFPB Delays QM Rule Compliance and Patch Demise
Homeownership Rate Pulls Back from 11 Year High
Mortgage Application Volume Falls Despite Lower Rates
S&P Analysts: Accelerating Home Prices Reflect Economic Recovery
New Home Sales Top 1 Million, Setting Post-Recession High
MBA Forecasts Record Purchase Volume This Year
It's March and the Spring Market is MIA
Most Builders Locking in Lumber Prices or Passing Increases Through
March Delinquency Drop Probably Exaggerated by Events
Mortgage Applications End Losing Streak
UI Says HARP 2.0 Could Help Pandemic-Era Borrowers