Jann Swanson - Mortgage News Daily Article Contributions
Black Knight's Deep Dive Into Equity, Forbearance, and the Future Rate Environment
UI Urges Abandoning New Fannie/Freddie Amendments
Rate of Forbearance Improvement Slows as March Expiration Looms
CFPB Extends Compliance Date for New QM Rule
Refinance Volume Ramps Down on Rising Rates
Home Price Appreciation Broke an 8-Year Record in January
With Protections Expiring, Millions are in Danger of Losing Their Home
Construction Spending Rising Twice as Fast as Expected
Forbearances Post Typical Mid-Month Increase
Freddie Mac's 12-Month Portfolio Growth Nears Half Trillion
Fannie/Freddie COVID Programs Extended to Match FHA, VA Deadlines
Pending Home Sales Post 5th Straight Loss
New Home Sales on the Rise 4.3% in January
Mortgage Application Volume Continues Decline
December Home Price Gains Highest Since 2014
Existing Home Sales Rise, But Inventories Hamper Results
Prevention Measures and Increased Borrower Equity Lower Foreclosure Risk
Refi Share of Closed Loans Rose 7 bp in January
Permitting Soars as Builders Prep for Spring
Buyer Demand Shores Up Builder Confidence
Forbearance Relief Extended Through June
Mortgage Volumes Resume Downward Trend as Rates Rise
Home Buyers Frustrated by More Competitive Bidding
Revisions to Fannie's Automated System May Lead to Easier Approval
FHFA Extends Forbearance Periods an Extra Three Months
Low Rates, COVID are Motivating Prospective Home Buyers
Conforming Loan Standards Loosened in January
November Delinquencies at Lowest Levels Since June
Buyers and Sellers Both More Upbeat in 2021
Are Low Rates Enough to Offset Rising Prices? Builders Say Yes
Homeownership Rising Despite Seasonal Volatility
December Home Price Gains Shot Up 9% Annually
CFPB's New Seasoning Rule is Already Showing Promise
Residential Construction Spending Grew by 11.8% in 2020
Refi Demand Staying Strong Despite Rising Rates
Freddie Mac 2020 Portfolio Growth Doubles 2019's
Pending Home Sales' Recent Decline is Nothing Compared to Yearly Gains
Forbearance Plans Increased Again in January
New Home Sales Recover Slightly After Losses, Still up 15% Annually
FHA Forbearance Eligibility and Eviction Moratoria Extended
More Evidence of Covid's Effect on Home Buying Preferences
November Home Prices Climbed at Highest Rate in Six Years
Loans Still Taking 2 Months to Close as Refi Demand Stays Strong
Existing Home Sales Reach Highest Levels Since 2006
Upbeat 2021 Econ Forecast From Fannie Mae
End-of-Year Delinquencies a Challenge for 2021
Construction Surges to Highest Levels in 15 Years
DACA "Dreamers" Given FHA Loan Eligibility
Rising Material Prices and Lot Shortages Hurt January Builder Confidence
New Home Purchase Applications Remained Strong to Year's End