Jann Swanson - Mortgage News Daily Article Contributions
Brighter Outlook For Housing and Economy - Fannie Mae
Draft Housing Infrastructure and Assistance Bill Presented to FSC
Housing Starts Reach Highest Levels Since 2006
New Home Purchase Applications Ramping up for Spring
Buyer Demand Provides Modest Boost to Builder Confidence
Freddie Mac Sees Rates and Prices Leveling Off Through 2022
Purchases Now Account For a Majority of New Mortgages
Mortgage Banks Report 2020 Financials Shattered Last Years Records
Delinquencies Post Fifth Month of Improvement
Fannie/Freddie Announce End Dates for QM Rules
2020 Property Tax Increases Outpaced Inflation
Forbearance Decline Largest in Six Months
Jumbo Loans Easier to Obtain as Economy Recovers
People Are Finally Starting to Think About Selling Homes Instead of Just Buying Them
Pandemic Threatens Women's Growing Homeownership Rates
Mortgage App Volume Declines, Refinancing Down 30 Percent
Realtors Say Staging a Home Increased Offered Prices, Cut Marketing Time
Despite Pandemic, Homeowners View Housing as a Good Investment
Home Price Surge Seen Slowing After Record Run
February's Single-Family Home Price Growth Set New Records
Residential Outlays Dominate Construction Spending
FHA Will Keep Mortgage Insurance Fund Rates Stable
Pending Home Sales Take a Big Hit, Back to Pre-Covid Levels
January's Double-Digit Home Price Gains Continue to Break Records
Refis Constituted Three-Quarters of Freddie Mac's February Volume
States Vary Widely in Housing Stock Age
Borrowers are Exiting Forbearance at an Increased Rate
Mortgage Profits Decline but Remain Close to Record Levels
Purchase Application Volume up for Fourth Consecutive Week
February New Home Sales Decline Sharply
February's Shortened Calendar Likely Responsible for Delinquency Increase
Payment Concerns Ebbing for Homeowners, Renters --Survey
Home Sales Fall Short, But Remain Well Above The Pre-Pandemic Pace
Fannie Forecast: Home Sales Will Weather the Rising Rate Environment
With Forbearance Periods Ending, Corelogic Looks at Options for Borrowers to Exit
Refinance Activity Broke an Almost 9-Year Record in February
Builder Survey Predicts a Dip in New Home Sales
Millennials Make up Largest Share of Buyers for 8th Consecutive Year
Construction Starts and Permits Took a Double-Digit Hit in February
Refi Demand Plummets to Six-Month Low
Lumber Prices and Rising Rates Take a Toll on Builder Confidence
How Remote Workers Could Eventually Disrupt Housing Market
Home Equity Gains are Breaking 8 Year Records
Forbearances Reach Their Lowest Levels in Almost a Year
Fannie Warns Lenders on Investment Properties and 2nd Homes
Getting a Mortgage Isn't Getting Any Easier
Up to 60% of Buyers are Priced Out of Current Home Market
CoreLogic Calls 2020 a Rocky Year for Loan Performance
Rising Rates Hampered Refinance Activity This Week
February Homebuying Sentiment Declines, Despite Stronger Job Market