Jann Swanson - Mortgage News Daily Article Contributions
Falling Loan Loss Provisions Boost Bank Earnings To 6 Year Highs
Home Prices Post Largest Increase in 6 Years, Up 6.3% Annually
HUD Tweaks Rules to Help House Hurricane Victims
Completed Foreclosures Fall 25 Percent in October
Fannie and Freddie Halt Holiday Evictions
Bill Raising G-Fees Faces Tough Battle
Fed Attempts To Quantify Why Mortgage Rates Lag MBS Improvements
Mortgage Fraud Could Reach $13B in 2012, "Unemployment Pressure" a Factor
Attention Walmart Shoppers: Mortgages, Aisle 3
More Originators And Fewer Mortgage Companies - NMLS Report
House Passes HR 1629, Immigration Legislation to be Funded by G-Fee Increase
Pending Home Sales Surge in October, Clear Regional Patterns Noted
HARP Share of Refinancing Slipped in September
Letters seek Congressional Action on Expiring Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act
FHFA's DeMarco Optimistic About Recovery, Eager To Define Future Role Government
Conforming Loan Limits Remain at 2012 Levels
FHFA-OIG Outlines Six Months Accomplishments in Congressional Report
New Home Sales Dip in October, September Sales Substantially Revised
Mortgage Debt at Lowest Level Since 2006, Despite Increase in Originations
Holiday Dampens Mortgage Application Activity
Home Prices at June 2004 Levels, 16% Below the Peak
Case-Shiller Indices Reflect Six Months of Price Increases
California, Florida Lead in Mortgage Fraud Risk
October Shadow Inventory Down 16 percent from Previous Year
Americans are not Shopping Smart for Mortgage Loans
Multi-Family Properties Lead Commercial Market in Declining Vacancies, Rising Rates
Former LPS Executive Pleads Guilty in Robo-Signing Case
Mortgage Applications Fall as Rates Move Higher in MBA Survey
Regulators Warn on Misleading Ads Targeting Veterans, Older Americans
Housing Starts at Fastest Pace in 4 Years, Permits Down Slightly
RMBS Working Group Files Suit against Credit Suisse
Builder Confidence Hits another Post Crisis High
Home Prices Up for Eighth Consecutive Month on Growing Demand, Limited Inventory
Loan Processing Time Increases to 54 Days for Refi's
Nearly 310,000 Homeowners Benefit from National Mortgage Settlement
FHFA Reports on Achievements in FY2012
Bernanke Says Mortgage Lending too Tight, Pendulum Swung Too Far
Wells Fargo Not Excused From Obligations Due To Hurricane Sandy - NY Attorney General
FHA Reserves Drop below Mandated Levels; Need for Treasury Draw Uncertain
Mortgage Lender Satisfaction on the Rise Thanks to Transparency in Origination Process
The Path to Improving Mortgage Industry Communication with Homeowners
Sandy's Potential Impact Looms over October Foreclosure Report
Younger Americans Hardest Hit by Shifts in Homeownership and Housing Costs
MBA Notes Big Improvements in Foreclosure Starts and Delinquencies
Housing Affordability Shows Improvement in Q3
Mortgage Applications Rebound from Sandy's Impact
What Does a Healthy National Housing Market Look Like?
Fed Study Confirms Rapid Home Price Appreciation Influenced Mortgage Choices
Multi-Family Sector Bucks Commercial Lending Trend
Mortgage Delinquency Rates Fall in 42 States