Jann Swanson - Mortgage News Daily Article Contributions
MBA Letter Addresses Basel III and it's Effects on Mortgage Markets
Housing Affordability Measures Must Include Transportation Costs
Sizable Increases in Permits and Starts Noted in September
MBA Weighs in on Proposed LO Compensation and Qualifications
With a 0.22% Recovery Rate, OIG Recommends Tighter Oversight of GSE Deficiency Collections
Mortgage Applications Slow During Shortened Week
Origination Report: Loan Processing Times on the Rise, Closing Rates Improve in September
Home Builder Confidence at 6-year High
FHFA: Hard Hit States Taking Advantage of HARP
California Realtors Say Tight Inventories Constraining Home Sales, Prices are Increasing
HOPE NOW: Short Sales Top 1 Million
Strong Mortgage Production Leads to Record Profits at JP Morgan and Wells
Fairway Mortgage puts Boots on the Ground and Keys in the Pockets of Wounded Vets
Banks Report Increased Foreclosure Rescue Fraud
Foreclosure Activity at Lowest Level in 5 Years; Severe Problems Continue in Some States
Appraisals Still Killing And Delaying Home Sales - NAR
DOJ Brings Major Civil, Criminal Actions for Mortgage Fraud
Mortgage Application Volume Settles Back after Record Week
Beige Book Summarizes Housing Markets in Fed Districts
MBA's Stevens Stresses Importance of Avoiding Unintened Consequences in Letter to CFPB
Housing Market Optimism Surges in Fannie Mae Survey
Shadow Inventory Back to 2009 Levels: CoreLogic
FHFA Outlines Remainder of GSE Strategic Plan
Housing Scorecard: Homeowner Equity Position Much Improved
Dudley: Housing Recovery "Disappointing" Despite Fed's Extraordinary Easing Measures
Clock Ticks for Fannie and Freddie as FHFA Designs New Secondary Market Platform
MBA: Multi-family Lending Roared back in 2011
Foreclosures Continue Decline but Inventory Clearing Slowly
List of Improving Housing Markets Over 100
Mortgages Being Paid Off At Fastest Pace Since 2005
Refinancing Level at Three Year High on Record Low Rates
What's in a Credit Score? More than You Might Think, and It's Constantly Changing
Home Prices up in August, Sharper Increase Predicted for September
JP Morgan Sued over Bear Stearns RMBS Activity
Investors Complete Purchases in First Round of FHFA Distressed Property Sales
Monitor Reminds Servicers of Today's Deadline for Compliance with Settlement Standards
NMLS Revises Reporting System; Conveys more Disciplinary, Credit Info
Residential Construction Bucked Spending Trend in August
Fed Study Points to Wisdom of Further HARP Enhancements
Pending Home Sales Cool after Summer Upswing
Mortgage Metrics Report Shows Increase in "Seasonal" Delinquencies
OIG: FHFA not Consistently Involved in GSE Decisions
Claims Process Underway for Foreclosed Homeowners
New Home Sales Down Slightly but Median, Mean Home Prices Jump
OIG Investigates Freddie Mac's Inverse Floater Investments
Refinancing Increases Market Share as Rates Hit New Lows
MBA Revitalizes MISMO Government Forum in Effort to Improve Industry Data Standards
GSE Foreclosure Prevention has Reached 2.4 Million Homeowners
FHFA Reports Home Price Up 0.2% in July
S&P/Case Shiller Home Prices Rise, Feeding Optimism of a Housing Recovery