Jann Swanson - Mortgage News Daily Article Contributions
Fannie Mae Economists see 2013 as a 'Transition to Normal'
President Renominates Cordray as CFPB Director, Picks Former U.S. Attorney for SEC
Hard Hit California Housing Market Rebounds as Home Values Rise
FHFA Reports Home Prices Rose 5.6% in 12 Months Through November
Housing Recovery Should Accelerate into 2013, if Washington Behaves
LPS Preview Shows Slight Uptick in Delinquency Rate
Mortgage Applications Post Another Strong Week, Up 7%
Reforming the Secondary Mortgage Market, Restructuring FHA, GSEs
Existing Home Sales Drop in December while Prices Continue Upward
Government Responses to Housing Crisis had Mixed Results
Senator asks Regulators for Consistency between QM and QRM
Harvard Study Offers New Angle On Bank vs Non-Bank Blame Game
Loan Officer Compensation Rules Finalized
Appraisal Rules for Higher-Price Mortgages Released by Regulators
December Housing Starts up Strongly; Permits Hold Steady
New Servicer Rules Address Disconnect in a "Broken System"
Foreclosures Relatively Stable in 2012, Some States Expected to Rise in 2013
Number of Underwater Borrowers Declines as Home Prices Rise
Freddie Mac Says Hybrid ARMs most Popular of an Unpopular Product
Builder Confidence Index Stalls after Eight Months of Improvement
Mortgage Applications Recover from Holiday Doldrums
Future of the Mortgage Industry to be Decided in Tidal Wave of Regulations (in Next 6 Months)
Annual Home Price Increase is Largest Since 2006
Regulators Indict Bank President, Six Officers on Massive Fraud Charges
Despite Economic Uncertainties, "Housing Market is Healing"
Mortgage Default Rates Continue to Rise
Another City Looks at Eminent Domain as Solution to Foreclosures
Wells Fargo Income Sets Record in 2012; Q4 Originations Income Down 10%
December Housing Scorecard Points to Improving Home Equity and Prices
One-third of U.S. Residences Owned Mortgage-Free
CFPB Releases Final Rule on Ability to Repay, Leaves Back Door Open on DTI
Industry Groups React to QM
2012 On Pace to be Record Year for Housing Affordability
Mortgage Application Volume Bounces Bank from Holiday Lull
Real Estate Web Searches Climb 253% in Four Years as 90% of Homebuyers Use Internet as Primary Research
Settlement Ends Independent Foreclosure Reviews for Ten Banks
List of Improving Housing Markets Reaches 242 in December
Confidence in Housing Market Grows, Despite Fiscal Cliff Turmoil
Bank of America to Pay Fannie Mae $3.6B to Resolve Repurchase Issues
GAO Study Finds Small Bank Failures have Minimal Impact on Community
New HUD Research Tool Offers a Wealth of Housing Data
Realtors Report Multiple Offers, Quick Sales but Continuing Appraisal and Credit Issues
Completed Foreclosures Down 23% as Short Sales Gain Momentum
Homeowner Tax Breaks Survive Fiscal Cliff
Mortgage Applications take Holiday Break, Falling 21.6%
House Committee Chairs Blast CFPB's "Virtually Limitless Power"
2012 GSE Home Retention Actions Near Half-Million Mark
Shadow Inventory Decline Continues, Currently at 7.2 Month Supply
Another Multi-Billion Dollar Foreclosure Abuse Settlement Likely
Galante Confirmed as FHA Head