Jann Swanson - Mortgage News Daily Article Contributions
Romney vs. Obama: An Overview of the Candidates Housing Views
LPS Preview Shows Decline in Delinquincies and Shadow Inventory
OIG Finds GSEs at Risk from Counterparties; Advices Contingency Plans
MBA: Commercial and Multifamily Debt Down Slightly in Q2
GAO: 160 Entities Involved in Housing Assistance
Five States Targeted for Additional G-Fee Increases
FHA Short-Sale Program may have Cost HUD $1 Billion in False Claims
Existing Home Sales Jump, Median Prices Continue To Rise
Loan Processing Time Up 25% Over 2011, Refi's to Blame
Housing Starts Rise Less than Expected as Multi-family Drags
Mortgage Applications Steady as Average Rates Reach Historic Lows
Remodeling Rebounds after Slow Summer Start
Home Builder Confidence Doubles September 2011 Measure
Despite Increased Borrowing and Demand Credit Risk Declines
FHFA-OIG Looks at GSE Counterparty Risk, Servicing Contracts
Fannie Mae Economists Expect Housing Recovery to Continue
Mortgage Lending Fell 10% in 2011 to Lowest Point in 16 Years
NAR: Lending Standards Holding Down Home Sales, Job Growth
DeMarco Discusses The New Securitization System Set To Replace Fannie / Freddie
New Fannie Mae Guidelines Allow Verification of Assets in Lieu of Income
OIG Reports on Progress since Review of Bank of America Repurchase Settlement
Despite National Decline, Foreclosures Rising in Many States
HAMP Servicers and Their Metrics Continue to Improve
Congress Gets Bill Prohibiting Eminent Domain Mortgage Seizures
Over Half-Million Underwater Mortgages Turned Positive in Q2
MBA Cautions Holiday Week Application Surge may be Overstated
Fannie Mae: Construction Jobs a Major Drag on Recession and Recovery
Study Finds Largest Servicers Hampered HAMP
Senators Reintroduce Bill to Expand HARP to Homeowners with Equity
FHFA Seeks to Clarify Repurchase Exposure with New Rules for Reps and Warranties
House Passes FHA Fiscal Solvency Act
DeMarco: Guarantee Fees will Continue Gradual Rise
Consumer Sentiment On Housing Improves Despite Broader Economic Concerns
SIFMA Slams Eminent Domain "Scheme" in Letter to FHFA
Negative Equity Continues Sharing High Correlation With Delinquencies
List of Improving Housing Markets Expands to 99 in September
Fed Study Indicates Benefits from Speeding Foreclosure Process
Increased Flexibility Helps HARP 2.0 Stay On Track, But Low Rates do the Heavy Lifting
ABA Summarizes Pending Mortgage Reform into 2013, "Critical to Lenders"
Mortgage Application Volume Down for 5th Straight Week
HOPE NOW Modifications Surge, Re-Defaults at Program Low
Tight Lending, Low Appraisals Dampen Realtor Confidence
CoreLogic: July Home Prices See Biggest Monthly Jump Since 2006
Public and Private Construction Spending Dropped in July
Freddie Mac Servicers to Offer Relief to Isaac Victims
Fannie Mae's Portfolio down 9.9 Percent in July
FHFA Announces Another 10 Basis Point Increase In G-Fees
Q2 Mortgage Banking Profits Surge, Highest Since Report Began in 2008
Short Sales Take Growing Share of Distressed Sales
Commercial, Multi-family Delinquency Rates Remain Elevated