Jann Swanson - Mortgage News Daily Article Contributions
Home Purchase Activity up 9% Despite a Slow Holiday Week
Residential Sector Was Key to October Construction Spending Increase
October's Home Price Gains Break a Six-Year Record
Loan Limits Increase Nearly 7.5 Percent
Dig Out the Mittens - December Offers the Best Home Buying Bargains
October Pending Home Sales Continue Their Decline
Forbearances Trending Slightly Higher, Well Below 2020 Peak Levels
Freddie Mac on Track For 25% More Loans This Year, Most of Them Refis
New Home Sale Refuse to Back Down From 14-year highs
Refi Applications Hit 7 Month Highs
September Home Price Gains Blow Away Forecasts
Pandemic Causing Almost Half of Americans to Consider a Move
Delinquencies Fell in October, but Still Nearly Double Those Last Year
Forbearance Totals Edge Up After Two Week Decline
Average Loan Taking Almost 2 Months to Close, But With Record Low Rates
Mortgage Regulator Finalizes Capital Requirement Rule
Home Sales Defy Expectations, Crushing Another 14 Year Record
How Homeowners' Credit Profiles Impact Forbearance
Strong Construction Data Led by Single Family Homes
MBA Expects 2020 Refis to Nearly Double 2019's
Mortgage Application Volume Pulls Back Slightly, Purchases Still Strong
Builder Confidence Continues to Shatter Previous Records
Low Rates No Longer Offsetting Price Gains; Affordability Wanes
Forbearance Plans Hit Pandemic Low
Purchase Applications Drop Back to Mid-Spring Levels
Fannie/Freddie Adopt Not-so-New Credit Score Model
Realtor Comments on How Pandemic Changed Homebuying
Serious Delinquencies Set Records as Early Rates Trend Down
More People are Concerned About Job/Financial Security Says Latest Housing Survey
Forbearances at Their Lowest Level Since April, But There's a Catch
Refis Help to Boost Mortgage Application Volume
Think Tank Concludes Mortgage Guidelines Could Safely be Twice as Risky
Fastest Home Price Gains Since 2004, Inventories Dwindling
2020 Home Loan Volume Expected to Top a Record-Breaking $4 Trillion
Residential Construction Was a Bright Spot for September
Fannie/Freddie Report Increased Profits
Forbearance Plans Increase, Many are Reinstatements
Residential Fixed Investment Soared Past GDP Growth in Q3
Pending Home Sales Fall Back to The 2nd Highest Level on Record
Lower Rates Bringing In More Buyers (And Higher Prices)
Mortgage Apps Rise Slightly, Purchase Loans End Four-Week Drought
Homeownership is Growing, Especially Among Younger Age Groups
Spring Buying Season Shifts, Home Prices Rocket Higher
Freddie's Loan Volume is Up, Delinquency Rate Begins to Retreat
New Home Sales Finally Level Off at 14 Year High
Some Delinquency Rates are Declining to Pre-COVID Levels
Homeowner Profits Soared in Q3
Loans in Forbearance Drop Below 3 Million
Vacation Homes Help Fuel Existing Sales Surge
Higher FICO Scores Indicate Lenders are Being More Selective