Jann Swanson - Mortgage News Daily Article Contributions
Tear-Downs Accounted for 10% of 2016 Housing Starts
Drop in Housing Starts Could Intensify Inventory Issues
Harvard Report Raises Housing Supply, Affordability Issues
MBA Survey Predicts Rebound in New Home Sales
Builder Confidence Declines on Labor/Lot Shortages
Treasury Issues First Recommendations for Regulatory Reform
Refinances Reawaken, Loan Size Highest in 9 Months
Early-Stage Delinquencies Lowest in More Than 17 Years
UI: Appraisal Process Disadvantages Mortgage Borrowers
Credit Access Mixed by Loan Type
NAR Paper Identifies Homeownership Hurdles
Home Equity Gains Continue to Mount
Dodd-Frank Overhaul Passes House
Home Flips Decrease but Mortgage Use Rises
"Good Time to Sell" Hits Highest Levels in Fannie Survey
Production Volume Drives Mortgage Profits Down
Holiday Week Mutes Application Activity Despite Falling Rates
Home Builder Group Voices Support for Mortgage Deduction
"Bidding Frenzy" Drives Prices Higher
Its (Almost) All About Interest Rates
Many Dodd-Frank Provisions May Be on House Chopping Block Next Week
Fannie Mae's Portfolio Rises 2% YTD
Single Family Sector is Rare Winner in Construction Spending Report
Selling a Home Costs Money Too
New DU Version Eases DTI Requirements
Pending Home Sales Fall Below 2016 Levels
Refinance Volume Retreats from Previous Strong Showing
How Comp Adjustments Might be Distorting Appraisal Values -CoreLogic
Black Knight: Prices Up 2.3 Percent Year-to-Date
Case-Shiller: No Telling When Prices, Rates Will Force Housing Slowdown
Freddie Mac Pulls a 180 in Housing Outlook
Watt Says FHL Home Bank Activity Tops $1 Trillion
Existing Home Sales Decline Slightly; Inventory Issues Persist
Price Gains Decelerate But Remain Over 6 Percent Annually
Calendar Colludes; Delinquencies Spike by Most in Nine Years
Refi Apps Rebound, Helping Offset Purchase Pull-Back
HUD Budget Drops by $16 Billion, FHA, GNMA Appear Unscathed
New Home Sales Contract Sharply in April
Watt Says GSE Reform Differs from Housing Finance Reform
Refis Actually Did More Damage During The Housing Crisis -UI
Purchases Increase, Pull-Through Declines -EllieMae
Household Debt Tops Pre-Recession Level
HARP Still Helping Underwater Homeowners
Groundhog Quarter?
Refinance Application Share Hits Nine-Year Low
April Permits, Starts, Slip from March Levels
New Home Purchase Apps Uphold April Downturn Tradition
Builder Confidence Highest Since December
1st Quarter Prices Up in 85 Percent of Metro Areas
Housing Affordability Ticked up in First Quarter