Jann Swanson - Mortgage News Daily Article Contributions
Housing Enthusiasm Ebbed After Last Month's All-Time Highs -Fannie Survey
Renters Getting Off Easy vs Owners When it Comes to Rising Payments?
Rate Reversal Helps Market Share for Refinances
Overvaluation Becoming a Bigger Issue for Home Prices -CoreLogic
Jumbo Loan Availability Declined in October
How Much Do Rates Matter For Affordability?
Realtors Blast Tax Plan Again, Present Ideas for Increasing Homeownership
NAR Jumps into Tax Reform Fight; MBA Holds the Towel
Industry Heads Agree on Explicit Government Guarantee for Fannie and Freddie
Builders Blast Tax Proposal; Realtors not Smiling Either
Realtors Say Ultra-Tight Inventories Made Q3 Housing "Underwhelming"
Residential Spending Scores Significant Annual Gains
Fannie Mae Issues September Volume Summary
Price Gains Built on Fundamentals or Full of Hot Air?
Purchase Apps Almost Break Even While Refis Slide
Homeownership Stuck in Neutral as Rents Rise
Home Prices Appear Unstoppable
CFPB Unveils Early Warning System for Mortgage Delinquencies
Affordability Sidelining First Time Buyers in a Big Way
NAHB Does About-Face on GOP Tax Cuts
Home Prices Peak in August, NY Leads the Charge
ARMs Prove They Have Cleaned up Their Act
Pending Home Sales Stuck at 2-Year Lows
MBA's Stevens to Retire
New Home Sales - A Blowout!
Home Prices Continue Defying Gravity (and Predictions)
Application Volume Resumes Downward Trend
MBA Forecasts Originations Through 2019
Low-Income Rentals Migrating Out of Affordability
Hurricanes Likely to Have These 3 Effects on Housing
Stevens to MBA; Work to Lock in Reforms before Regime Changes
Consumers: On-Line Mortgage Info Convenient, not Trustworthy
Existing Sales Beat Forecast Despite Taking a Hit From Hurricanes
Refinancing Share at Early 2017 Levels
Remodelers Report Backlogs, Labor Shortages as Market Grows
Freddie Changes Student Loan Debt Calculation
Housing Starts Still Under The Weather; Single-Family Permits on The Mend
Hurricanes Impact on Housing Could Last
Mortgage Applications Regain Footing
Builders' Confidence Returns as Hurricane Worries Wane
Construction Numbers Look Much Better Broken Down by State
Mortgage Guidelines Could be Twice as Loose and it Still Wouldn't be 2007 Again
MBA Predicts Plunge in New Home Sales; Hurricanes Blamed
Comparing Housing Booms and Busts
Refinancing Drives Application Volume Lower During Quiet Week
Credit Access Favors Jumbo Loans
CoreLogic Says Delinquency, Transition Rates Continue to Improve
Lenders' Disaster Toolkits Need an Update
Boomers More Likely to Carry Mortgages Into Retirement
NAHB and NAR Divided Over Mortgage Deduction