Jann Swanson - Mortgage News Daily Article Contributions
FHFA Calls For Big Changes to Fannie/Freddie Conservatorship
Both Refi and Purchase Apps Rose Last Week
Housing Sentiment Springs Back from March Loss
Gallup Poll Shows High Hopes For Homeownership
CFPB Seeks Input on Assessment of Mortgage Servicing Rule
House Lawyer Says Nothing Abnormal About Confidentiality Requests
More Current Loans Entered Early Delinquency Status in February
Hensarling Asserts Control Over All Correspondence with Treasury Department
How Fed Exits MBS Ownership Could be Key to Affordability
Credit Accessibility Dips Slightly
Purchase Mortgage Gain Fails to Fill Refi Gap
Another Home Price Report Defying The Odds
Ocwen Stock Surges on Restructuring Efforts
Homeownership Falls Back from Recent Gains
Miami vs BofA a Mixed Bag for Banks
Rates Have Disproportionate Impact on Refi Pool
Residential Construction Spending Continues to Rise
CoreLogic Sees Signs of Credit Cracks
Cash Sales Share Remains Stubbornly High
Painfully Low Inventory Saps Pending Home Sales
Falling Rates Stoke Refinancing
Another Plan Emerges for Fannie/Freddie Reform
CoreLogic Expects Reauthorization, Maybe Even Reform, of Flood Insurance Program
New Home Sales Nearly Match Post-Crisis High
Home Price Gains Aren't Cooling Off
Fannie Moves to Accommodate Student Loan Debt
Home Prices Hit Post Crisis Peak -Black Knight
The Unexpected Link Between Tax Season and Refinancing
Lenders Speed Up Loan Processing -Ellie Mae
Existing Home Sales Highest Since 2007
MBA Sets Out Plan for New Housing Finance System
Ocwen Sued, Shut Down in Multiple States
Fannie Mae Sees Faster Fed Rate Hikes
Refinance Apps Improve as Rates Plumb Post-Election Lows
Construction Data, While Ragged, Still Trends Higher
Inventory is Key to 2017 Housing Market
Builder Confidence Ebbs, But Still Solid Overall
CFPB Invites Comments on HMDA Rule Clarifications
Mortgage Banking Profits Increased in 2016
New Home Sales Soar, Prices Stabilize -MBA
Important Mortgage Performance Metric Best in 10 Years
Purchase Loan Applications Set New Price Record
Vacation Home Sales Plunged in 2016, Mortgage Use Up
Intent to Buy Wanes in Renter Survey
Mortgage Servicers May Have a Problem
Multi-Family Lending Led 2016 Commercial Market
Housing Sentiment Falls From Record Highs
New Jumbo Lending Programs Drive Credit Access Higher
Panel Explores New Credit Scoring Models
Purchase Mortgage Applications Continue to Inch Up