Jann Swanson - Mortgage News Daily Article Contributions
Not a "Good Time to Buy?" Tax Changes Might Make Opinions Worse
Homebuilding Activity Stronger Than Forecast
Fannie Forecast Improves, Tax Bill Seen as Double-Edged Sword
Faith in New Home Market at 18-Year High
Freddie and Fannie May Get Another Jumpstart
Automated Appraisals Don't Paint the Whole Picture
Downpayments at Record Highs as Home Prices Rise
Realtors Raise Last-Minute Red Flags Over Tax Bill
Fannie and Freddie Will Wait Until Jan 2nd to Evict You
For Purchase Applications, This December is Better Than The Last
MBA Sees Sales Falling in Nov Despite Longer-Term Strength
Increased Delinquency Not a Sign of Distress - Hurricanes to Blame
Looking Back at Loan Mods: What Worked, What Didn't, and What Can We Learn?
Consumers Expect Strong Increases in Housing Costs
90% of US Counties Get FHA Loan Limit Increase
Homeowner Equity Gain Averages in Double Digits
Gig Workers Less Enthusiastic About Homeownership
Refi Demand Highest in Months Despite Fairly Flat Rates
Entry-Level Homes Driving Price Appreciation
60-Day Delinquency Rate Doubles in Hurricane-Impacted Areas
Tax Bill Housing Impact Worse than You Thought (Maybe)
Residential Dollars Behind Much of Construction Spending Gains
Fannie Mae's October Volume Edges Higher
Loan Production Expenses Hurt Bank Profits
Are New Loan Limits Already At Risk?
Pending Home Sales Rebound, Beating Expectations
Purchase Activity Up Slightly Despite Shorter Week
FHFA Raises Conforming Loan Limit to $453k
Home Price Gains "Appear Unstoppable"
Home Price Gains Continue Cooling Off
New Home Sales Steamroll Over Expectations
Stage Set for Dueling Dual Directors
Delinquencies Soar in Storm Impacted Areas
Purchases Reclaimed Market Share From Refis Last Week
Existing Home Sales Erase Summertime Losses
Best Year in a Decade? Good, but not Great
Hurricanes, Timing Issues, Push Delinquencies Higher
Q3 was "Rough Patch" for Housing; Q4 Indicators Not Positive
More Than Half of October Refis Were FHA/VA
Home Building Surges to Year's Best Levels, Erasing Summertime Sadness
Builder Confidence Nears Post Crash High
CFPB's Cordray Resigns; Agency Future Uncertain
Fannie Mae is Testing New Type of Construction Loan
Mortgage Insurance Fund Circling the Drain - Better Loans to Blame?
Refinancing Rallies, Drives Week's Numbers
MBA Expects New Home Sales to Recover from Hurricane Losses
Delinquencies Signal "Final Stages" of Recovery
Tax Breaks or Not, Home Equity Lending Has Huge Potential
It's Not a Bubble if it Doesn't Burst
Would "Student Loan Mortgages" Solve Homeownership Problems?