Jann Swanson - Mortgage News Daily Article Contributions
Ellie Mae Points to Microscopic Sign of Credit Easing
Negative Equity Rate Now in Single Digits
Investors: Low Rates Useful, Debt Acceptable, SSI Benefits are Unlikely
CoreLogic's Take on GSE Affordable Housing Goals
Unsustainable Home Prices in 14 Metro Areas -CoreLogic
TRID Resource Materials are Available from MBA
CoreLogic Provides Early Estimate of HMDA Origination Data
Distressed Sales Share Cracks Into Single Digits
Decline in New Home Mortgage Apps "Seasonally Driven"
Mortgage Applications Waned in Run-up to Holiday
FHA Loan Requirements, Handbook Kick in Next Week
Growing Equity not Fueling HELOC Boom... Yet
Foreclosure Normalization: An End that Never Comes
Fannie Mae Digitizes National Housing Survey Results
Easing Credit Access Tilted by Jumbo Products
Freddie Mac's Updated Forecast And a Vote against FOMC Action
Stark New Warning on Home Prices
Global Uncertainty said Behind Busy Mortgage Week
Managing Risk in High LTV Loans
Home Prices Stepped up Gains in July
Construction Spending Flat but still Posting YoY Improvement
Homebuilders Waiting to See Impact of NLRB Ruling
MBA Forecasts Housing Demand Over Next 10 Years
Renters Largely Satisfied to Remain that way
More Relatively Big Changes in Most Recent Fannie Selling Guide
Dodd-Frank - a Five Year Summary
Housing Data: Some Highs, Some Lows, All Good
Pending Sales Index Ekes out Marginal Gain
FHA/VA Boosts Otherwise Flat Mortgage Apps
Housing Improving but Seemingly never Recovered
Higher Volume, Larger Loans Boost Mortgage Profits
New Home Sales Regain Momentum
Home Price Gains Outstripping Inflation
Home Prices Close in on 2006 Peaks
Expectations for Economy, Housing Subdued in 2nd Half
CFPB Faces Dual Lone-Star Threats
A First Look at July Performance Data
Another Post-Crisis Peak for Existing Home Sales
Lackluster Purchase Activity Boosts Refi Share
Ellie Mae says Loan Closing Rate Highest in Four Years
Cash Sales Continue Year-over-Year Retreat
Housing Starts near 8 Year High While Multi-Fam Skews Permits
Builder Confidence Stabilizes at Pre-Crash Level
Don't Forget the Old Folks
US Housing Affordability is Decent, Just Not in California
Mortgage Applications Indicate July Dip in New Home Sales
Distressed Loans back to 2007 Level
Mortgage Application Volume Nearly as Flat as Rates
Employment, Home Price Gains Improving Foreclosure Picture
Sparse Listings Continue to Drive Home Prices