Jann Swanson - Mortgage News Daily Article Contributions
Refinance Activity Falls, Purchase Apps Lackluster
Distressed Sales Closing in on "Normal" Levels
February Home Price Gains were Widespread
Homeownership Declines again, Rents Continue to Escalate
Real Estate Great Investment, but Maybe not Right Now - Gallup
February Home Prices, Tale of Two Coasts
Lenders give Mixed Reviews to new GSE, FHA Initiatives, Homeowner Education
Survey Says: Real Estate is The Best Long-Term Investment
HUD Changes Distressed Loan Sale Requirements
Freddie's Multi Market Indicator Recovers from January Stumble
Home Prices Overtaking Pre-Crash Peak
Wells Fargo Extends Senior Housing Finance Reach
Cash-outs Affecting Negative Equity Trends
New Home Sales didn't Match February Pace
Surging Home Sales Herald Strong Spring Market
Low Rates and Spring Buying Boosting Mortgage Apps
GSE Fee Changes Too Small to Notice?
Buyers Returning to Housing Market Ready, Willing, and Able?
Housing Starts Rose Less Than Expected in March
REO Surge Signals Foreclosure "Clean-up"
House Authorizes Technical Adjustments to TILA
Builder Confidence up; First Time in 2015
Mortgage Applications End 3-Week Winning Streak
Judicial States Continue to Elevate Foreclosure Stats
Fannie Announces Closing Cost Assistance for Homepath Loans
Why The Fed Shouldn't Wait to Raise Rates -Wells Fargo
Lender Fined $5.28 mln for Cheating on Licensing and CE
Freddie Remains Upbeat on Housing Market Despite Q1 Challenges
20 Percent Surge in Q1 New Home Purchase Apps
$250k CFPB Penalty For Blatantly False Advertising
Cash Sales Declining, but Remain Elevated For REOs
Viable Principal Reduction Plan Would Likely Have Limitations -CoreLogic
Purchase Applications Hit 21-Month High
Attitudes toward Housing Stalled -Fannie Survey
Hottest Home Price Appreciation Prior to Spring Selling Season in 9 Years
Refinance Pool Grows, but Not Among Sub-620 Credit Scores
Mortgage Credit Access Bodes Well for Spring Market
Officials Agree Credit Scoring System Needs Improvement
The Cost of Tight Credit Since 2009: 4 Million Loans
Net Cost to Originate the Average Loan Rises to $5238
Price Gains Slow in Most Large Markets
CFPB Rolls out Disclosure Toolkit, Dampens Delay Speculation
MBA Notes "Broad Increase" in Applications
Multi-family Spending only Bright Spot in Construction News
Fewer Cities Bucking Flattening Home Price Trend
New Indicator says Housing is Healthy, Downturn unlikely
Pending Home Sales Signal Strong Spring Market
Affordability Falling as Permits Lag Growth
Monumental Shift Toward Non-Bank Servicing. Does it Matter?
Home Price Plateau Possible in Areas Where Wages Can't Keep Up