Jann Swanson - Mortgage News Daily Article Contributions
Fannie and Freddie Continue Moving Toward Common Security
Americans see Better Climate for Home Sellers
Home Price Gains Slowed in May
Over 3 Million Refinance Candidates -Black Knight
Investors, Cash Sales Returning to More Normal Levels
Homeowner Shift to Condos won't affect Prices -S&P
CoreLogic Ties Fraud Risk to Interest Rates, Purchases
New Suit "Injects Vigor" into GSE Conservatorship Challenges
G-Fees Up to 58bps in 2014; Small Lenders Benefit
Same Old Story - Rates up, Applications down
Construction Spending maintains new $1 trillion Plus Pace
Several Significant Income-Related Underwriting Changes from Fannie
Price Gains Accelerating Again -Black Knight
Consumer Expectations Match Home Price Performance -Case-Shiller
Pending Home Sales Hit 9-Year Highs
National Banks Report Improving Loan Performance
Increasing Mortgage Debt will need a Home
Results Trump Intentions in Supreme Court's Fair Housing Ruling
Mortgage Apps Rise on Temporary Rate Retreat
Delinquencies, Foreclosures Rose in May
More States Achieving Stable Status on Freddie's Housing Indicator
New Home Sales an Astounding 19.5% Higher Year-Over-Year
FHFA Reports Respectable April Home Price Increases
They're back! First-time Buyers Help Drive Existing Sales to Six Year High
FHA Introduces new Defect Taxonomy
Home Buying Season in Full Swing -Ellie Mae
Foreclosure Activity Hits 19 Month High
Mortgage Pros, Consumers Differ Significantly in View of Economy, Mortgage Standards
TRID Implementation Delayed; MBA's Stevens Comments
Refi Apps at 5-Month Lows
15% of Low End Homes Remain Underwater
Hidden Message in Building Permits Data: Prepare to Rent!
Wells Fargo Survey Shows Gap in Homebuying Knowledge
Builder Confidence Surges; Buyers "Serious and Committed"
FHA Revises Reverse Mortgage Rules for Surviving Spouses
Negative Equity Worst at Low End, Jamming 'Housing Conveyor Belt"
New Home Purchase Apps Decline. Blame the School Year?
One-Third of Home Sales Still All Cash
Mortgage Apps Enjoy Post Holiday Bounce
Third California Lender Fined for LOC Violations
Despite Improvements, Foreclosures Still Double Pre-Crisis Pace
Mortgage Monitor Shows Reversal in Strong Q1 Refi Demand
Rising Income, Employment Lift Consumer Housing Outlook
REO Sales Share Below One-Third of Peak
CFPB Fines Lender over Expense Accounts
Down Payments: Percentages Trend Lower as Amounts Rise
Mortgage Credit Access Still Improving
Beware those Celebrity Studded Reverse Mortgage Ads - CFPB
Stevens: CFPB Listened to Input of MBA
Mortgage Profits Doubled in Q1