Jann Swanson - Mortgage News Daily Article Contributions
Holiday Trumps Rates as Mortgage Applications Tumble
Home Prices Ignoring Predictions
Provident Charged with Discrimination on Loans from 2006 to 2011
Construction Spending Tops $1 Trillion
New Home Activity has a Decidedly Southern Drawl
State, CFPB win Judgment against Florida Loan Mod Scheme
Realtors Confronting Problems of Structure, Leadership, and Technology
Sellers' Market Drives Pending Sales to 2006 Levels
Ebbing Refinance Demand Weighs on Mortgage Applications
Running Out of Ways to Say 'Housing Weak but Improving'
Paid-Off Revolving Debt No Longer Required to be Closed - Fannie
FHFA Notes Less Aggressive Home Price Gains
New Homes Sales Recover Some of March Losses
35 Consecutive Months of Higher Home Prices, but No Bubble Fears
Fannie Mae: Housing Faring Better than Economy
50 Ways to Derail Real Estate Industry
Existing Home Sales Fall Short of Expectations
Purchase Loans Now Outpacing Refis
Mortgage Applications Continue Losing Streak
Households Better Prepared for Rate Increases This Time
Construction Numbers Highest Since 2007, Crushing Expectations
Can the Housing Recovery Handle Higher Rates?
Builders, Realtors Differ on Home Sale Climate
MBA's Stevens calls for End to Policy by Enforcement
New Home Financing Applications Continue Strong
Would a Fed Rate Hike Surprise Really Matter?
Groups Ask Congress for "Breathing Room" on TRID
Purchase Loan Market MIA
Buyer Walk-Throughs Problematic under TRID Attorney Says
More Than Half of Sales Remain All-Cash in Some Markets
Purchase Applications Fare Better Amid Rising Rates
Foreclosure Shift Increasingly Evident
203K, VA, and Jumbos Help Credit Availability in April
More Areas Seeing Double Digit Home Price Gains
Will Enforcement be delayed as TILA-RESPA Disclosures Begin?
Banks Agree to Remove Credit Notations on "Zombie" Debt
Mixed Signals in Fannie Housing Survey
GSEs Continue Financial Winning Streak
Rate Increases Take Toll on Refi Apps
Final Rules for AMC Supervision Released by Regulators
10% of Americans are "Credit Invisible"
Supply/Demand Pushing Home Prices Higher
Are There More First-Time Buyers Than we Think?
Earlier Intervention Policy is Best for Housing Boom/Bust Cycles
Servicer Complaints Ebbing with Delinquencies
Borrowers inching back into Cash-Out Refinancing
Construction Spending Softened in March
Severe Economic Downturn could Trigger GSE Bailout
MERS, a Blast from the Past
Pending Home Sales Highest Since June 2013