Jann Swanson - Mortgage News Daily Article Contributions
Update on Mortgage Insurance Cut: FHA to Allow Case Number Cancellation
Negative Equity Nearing Pre-Crisis Levels
RealtyTrac asks if Wall Street is your Landlord. We ask for how long?
Fannie Survey Says: Housing Attitude Remains Cautious
2015 Housing Policy Agenda: Inertia and Competition?
New GSE Loans only Minor Factor in Rising Credit Access
Researchers Argue for Lower FHA Premiums
Delinquencies Spiked in November; Annual Trend Continues Lower
No Surprise: Mortgage Apps Sapped by Holidays
Home Prices will Continue Annual Winning Streak
Employment Growth Hitting Housing Sweet Spot
Current Credit Standards Tougher Than They Need to Be
Pending Home Sales Stable but Promising
Home Price Increases Soar per RealtyTrac Data
Rentals Feeling First Signs of Millennials' Impact
Home Price Gains Prepping for Resurgence?
Freddie Mac's Housing Market Remains Weak
Mortgage Apps Rise Modestly on Lower Rates
New Home Sales Still Capped by Post-Meltdown Ceiling
Home Prices Near Pre-Recession Peak, as Gains Slow
Existing Home Sales Fall From October Peak
Real Estate Investors Profit From Hidden Markets
2014 Economy and Housing: From Deep Hole to Whimper
Lenders Gloomy about Purchase Demand and Profits
Lower Rates Fail to Stir Mortgage Applications
Former Countrywide Employee Awarded $57 Million in BofA Whistleblower Case
Winter Arrived Early, Construction Slowed as Well
Builder Confidence Finishes Year Close to Highs
Residential Remodeling Numbers Flat in Most of Country
Robo-Call Debt Collection Practices under Fire
Senate Extends Foreclosure Protection for Military; House Approval still Required
New Credit Accessibility Measure Weighs Lender Risk
Early Stage Foreclosure Filings up Nationwide and in Most States
More Holiday-Adjusted Volatility for Mortgage Applications
Dwindling REO Sales Blunt Importance of All-Cash Transactions
Renters see Selves as Homeowners-in-Waiting
Jumbo/Conventional Mortgage Credit Leads November Improvement
Consumers Still Seeing a Buyer's Market -Survey
GSEs Detail new Low Down Payment Offerings
Black Knight Examines Scope of Underwater Loan Rescue
Foreclosure Avoidance Programs get Facelift
Despite Larger Loans and More of Them, Mortgage Profits Dip
5 Predictions for Housing in 2015
Foreclosure Inventory a Hurdle for New Home Construction
Mortgage Apps Hit Harder Than Normal by Holidays
Luxury Home Sales still Ascendant as Buyers Shift
Private Construction Little-Changed Near 6-Year Highs
Nine States now at Record Home Price Levels
Increased Defaults as Interest-Only Loans Recast -Fitch
CoreLogic: Could Lower Energy Prices Stimulate Housing Demand?