Jann Swanson - Mortgage News Daily Article Contributions
Fannie and Freddie Another Step Closer to Sharing Single Mortgage-Backed Security
Normalized Pricing Resurrecting Condo Market... Relatively Speaking
FHA Commissioner Galante Resigns
The Second Housing Bubble You Didn't Even Know You Were Afraid of
Improving Financial Outlooks Could Help Housing - Fannie Survey
GSEs Report Decent, Not Stunning, Quarterly Results
Fifth Consecutive Drop Leaves Delinquency Rate at 2007 Levels
How to Make Construction Data Less Gloomy? Add in Employment and Prices!
Wells Seeking Larger Share of Jumbo Market
Second TILA-RESPA Rule Webinar Scheduled for Late August
Refinancing Share of Applications Back to March Levels
Home Price Gains Cooling Quickly as Weather Warms -CoreLogic
New Jumbo ARMs Send Credit Access Index Higher
Disproportionate Foreclosure Distribution; Good Reviews for HAMP Mods
Large Banks Report Lower QM Effects than Other Banks
Construction Spending Down in June, but up Year-Over-Year
Housing Market Implications of Adult Children Living With Parents
Longest Recorded Refi Boom Ends; New Demographic Emerges
Concentration of Foreclosure Inventory is a Concern - CoreLogic
Slow, Mixed Week for Mortgage Applications
California Realtors get Heads-Up on Short Sale Complications
Homeownership at 19 Year Low
Seasonally-Adjusted Home Prices Declined in May
Home Prices up Again in May Black Knight says
Zillow to Acquire Trulia; both Companies to Maintain Course
Pending Sales Down but Holding above “Normal” Mark
CFPB Seeks to Modify HMDA Data Collection; Raises Privacy Concerns
Strong Reaction on Wall Street to So-So Home Builder Results
New Home Sales Decline from Downgraded May Numbers
Housing Market Sending Mixed Signals -Freddie Mac
Modest Housing Recovery Will Continue -Fannie
Foreclosure Inventory Continues to Shrink but Distressed Loans up
Finally an “Up” Week for Mortgage Applications
Housing Fundamentals Move In Right Direction, Price Gains Continue
Home Prices to Level Off and Reverse Course Within 2 Years - Analysts
Small Lenders Increased Selling Directly to GSEs a Double-Edged Sword
New Housing Normal; Pent-up Supply and Demand
Foreclosures hit Important Milestone; Concerning Trends in Some States
Housing Starts Fall Enough to Break 3yr Trend of Improvement
Smarting over Fines, Chase will Reduce FHA Lending
Homebuilder Confidence Back Into Positive Territory
Mortgage Application Volume back to pre-Holiday Levels
Affordability is the big Challenge for Housing
Rental Market Stabilizing but Renter Profile is Changing
Housing Scorecard sees Recovery Slowly Getting Back on Track
Comments Invited on new PMI Provider Requirements
Profound Commentary on Homebuying Demand From MBA President's Daughter
MBA says New Home Sales up while Mortgage Applications Drop
Size and Face of Homeownership, Changed and Changing
Mortgage Apps Bounce Back Despite Slightly Higher Rates