Jann Swanson - Mortgage News Daily Article Contributions
Fannie Survey Hints at Warmer Spring for Housing
Whistleblower Claims Cordray Called to say "Back Down." FSC Not Amused
Shadow Inventory Quickly Evaporating
Vacation Home Sales Pick up Slack as Investments Wane
Purchase Applications up Slightly, More than Offset by Drop in Refis
Loan Modifications Stay Steady as Short Sales Dry Up
Home Prices Will Keep Rising, but Level-Off Soon
New Housing Proposals Will Only Make Credit Conditions Tighter - Report
A Look at Housing’s One-Percenters
Pending Home Sales Weaker Again, but May be Stabilizing
Former BofA CEO Kenneth Lewis Banned from Wall Street
Home Sales Cool as Distressed Inventory Evaporates
Fannie Mae REO Purchase Incentives Extended
Mortgage Applications Continue Shifting Towards Purchases
Mortgage Profits Hit Record Lows in Q4
For Housing, a New Definition of 'Normal,' and a New Index to Track it
Mortgage Applications Fall 1.2% Last Week
CA Governor Sued over Appropriating Servicing Settlement Proceeds
Summary of Newly-Released Housing Reform Bill
Home Builders Remain Concerned about Spring Market
Seventh Straight Month of Lower Home Sales in California
Building a Better House Price Index With MLS Data
MBA Sees Wintertime Volatility in Builder Survey
After Rising Last Month, Foreclosures Snap Back to 8 Year Low
Commercial and Multifamily Debt Reaches New High
Rising Rates Sap Mortgage Application Activity
Home Prices Actually Undervalued Based on Incomes -CoreLogic
Bipartisan Housing Reform Bill said ready for Senate
MBA: Offsetting Factors Led to Slight Improvement in Credit Access
Distressed Sale Dive Reflects Positive Transition in California
Housing Recovery Continuing, but not yet Robust -Fannie Survey
Housing Scorecard Focuses on Principal Reduction Program
Home Equity Growth Stalled in Fourth Quarter
NAHB Leading Markets Data Bodes Well for 2014
Institutional Investors' Effect on Home Price Appreciation
Full Work Week and Rate Rally Boost Mortgage Apps
Home Prices Avoid Polar Vortex; Strongest Gains Since 2006
Troubling Trends in Housing Market -Black Knight
FHA Fund Doesn't Need Treasury Draw After All; Groups Call For Fee Reduction
Private Residential Construction Spending Rose in January
Weather Continues to Hamper Home Sales
Taxpayer Profit Surpasses $10 Billion on Freddie Mac Earnings
Foreclosure Time Approaches 1000 Days, But There are Fewer of Them
Foreclosures Increased in January, but Down 19 percent From Last Year
Investors Losing Interest in Housing, Despite Rise in Distressed Sales Share
Builder Confidence in Multifamily Market Slips even as Vacancies Decline
Neither Snow nor Sleet Deterred New Home Sales in January, Up 9.6%
Mortgage Purchase Apps not Living up to Historical Standards
California Pending Sales Bounce Back; Potential Turning Point
Bank Profits Rise as Loan Loss Provisions Ease