Jann Swanson - Mortgage News Daily Article Contributions
Here's How Declining Landlord Profitability Benefits the Rental Market
Fannie Mae Ends Year with Final Repurchase Agreement
Home Price Boom Living on Borrowed Time - S&P/Case-Shiller
Homeowners Blindsided with Stratospheric Flood Insurance Rates
National Home Prices Virtually Unchanged in October
Pending Home Sales Remain Near 1.5-Year Lows
Low-End Home Prices More Useful in Predicting Big-Picture
GSE Foreclosure Prevention Actions top 3 Million
Bidding Wars Slow but Local Markets Still Competitive - 62 Offers?
3 Options for Mortgage Interest Deduction Reform
FHFA Looks at Impact of LTV on Loan Performance
California Pending Sales Falling at Fastest Pace in More than 12 Months
As Mortgage Rates Rise, Affordability is Diverging
CFPB Promises Extra Scrutiny For Ocwen after Lawsuit
Existing Home Sales Break 29 month Streak of Year-Over-Year Gains
CFPB Launches Education Campaign Ahead of New Mortgage Rules
Construction Activity Most Disappointing Aspect of Housing Recovery
Pull-Through, Processing Time, and Refinance Share Much-Improved in November
Biggest Monthly Gain For Housing Starts Since 1990
Mortgage Application Volume hits 12-year Low
Negative Equity Will Continue Declining in 2014 - CoreLogic
Ginnie Mae Releases First Phase of new Securitization Systems
Bay Area Home Sales Falling Much Faster Than State Average
Affordability Takes Toll on Sales and Prices in California
Declining HARP Volume Matches Broader Refinance Trends
HARP Myths Debunked by Freddie Mac Exec
FHFA Invites Comments on Maximum GSE Purchase Limits
Lenders Can Actually Benefit from Non-QM Lending -CoreLogic
FHA Shortfall Belies Significant Progress
FHA Toughened Standards on Manually Underwritten Loans Ahead of Today's Shortfall
The Rental Housing Affordability Crisis
Regulators Grant Some Leeway to Lenders on QM vs Non-QM
New Home Purchase Applications Dwindle in MBA's Latest Builder Survey
Delinquency Improvements Expected to Slow
Foreclosure Crisis Enters 9th Inning; Outcome All But Guaranteed -RealtyTrac
Appraisal Exemptions for Streamline Refis and Low Balance Loans
Watt Confirmed to Replace DeMarco
Mortgage Applications Break 6 Week Losing Streak; ARMs Surge
HUD QM Rule Announced; Closely Mirrors CFPB QM
FHFA Tries to Convince Senate that GSE Risks Outweigh Massive Profits
Mortgage Credit Availability Tightens as Higher LTV Options Expire
LPS Already Seeing Increased HELOC Problems; More to Come
Completed Foreclosures Down More Than 25 Percent in One Month
FHA Lowers Loan Limits for 650 High Cost Areas
Some Mortgage Servicers Need Improvement -Housing Scorecard
Home Price Expectations Continue to Decline
Is Declining Share of Mortgage Market Among Big Banks Here to Stay?
Small Markets Leading Way for 2014 Housing Recovery
MBA Sounds Battle Cry For Independent Mortgage Banks
Big Banks Post Substantial Settlement Compliance Errors