Jann Swanson - Mortgage News Daily Article Contributions
Foreclosures Skyrocketing for High-Priced Homes
Biggest Monthly Advance for New Home Sales since 1980
Holiday Takes Toll on Mortgage Applications
Loan Profits Plummet with Declining Volume, Increased Compliance Cost
Home Price Gains Continue to Slow
Fannie and Freddie Overhaul Mortgage Insurance Master Policy Requirements
Residential Construction Spending Ends Summer on Flat Note
Bank of America, Freddie Mac Settle Repurchase Claim
FHFA Says Significant Progress Made toward Strategic GSE Goals
Short Sales Becoming Less Favorable For Lenders
Mortgage Applications Unchanged After Seasonal Adjustments
FHFA Price Increases more Modest than Case-Shiller
Home Price Growth Slowing but Still Bubbly in West
Building Permits Surge is All Multi-Family
Conforming Loan Limits Stay Put for 2014, Including High Cost Areas
Home Prices Rise Overall, but Some Areas Seeing Sharp Declines
Inventories Pulling Home Sales and Prices in Opposite Directions
California Purchase Contracts up for First Time in 3 Months
OIG Recaps 6 Months of Success For Fannie and Freddie
Role of Property Tax in Health of Housing Market
Lenders Can Give FICO Scores as Customer Perk
Foreclosure Inventory Falls to 5 year Low
Housing Recovery Intact but Moderating Fannie Mae says
Potential Impacts of Lower Conforming Loan Limits
FHFA Suggests Changes to Housing Finance Reform Bill
Stronger Home Sales will Require More Construction and Looser Credit - NAR
Final Disclosure Forms Ready; Lenders Have Almost Two Years to Implement
Freddie Mac Forecasts First Purchase-Dominated Market Since 2000
Mortgage Applications Drift Lower during Holiday Shortened Week
Purchase Mortgages Top 60 percent in October
OIG Recommends Tighter Oversight of Fannie Mae Short Sales
RESPA-TILA Disclosure Change Announcement; No Exemption for Small Lenders
JP Morgan RMBS Settlement Finally Final
California Sales Slide Again, Shutdown Gets Partial Blame
Builders Blame Congress For Home-Buying Headwinds
Biggest Home Price Gains Since Collapse; Potential Shift Ahead
Home Prices in Smaller U.S. Counties made Softer Landings
Housing Affordability Eroded Dramatically by 'Perfect Storm' in Q3
New Home Purchase Applications up 11 percent
Judicial States Working Through Huge Backlog of Distressed Properties
Bay Area Housing Market Trending toward Normal
Mortgage Applications Continue to Slide; Previous Week Revised
Closer Look at the Gap Between Primary and Secondary Mortgage Rates
52 Million Mortgages, Fewer Delinquencies, Higher Credit Scores
Homeowner Savings through HAMP top $22 Billion
Mortgage Credit Availability Loosened Slightly in October
NAR Urges Congress to Prioritize Housing Policy
Overwhelming Majority of Refinances are 30yr Fixed, no Cash-Out; 15yr Terms on the Rise
Freddie Mac Signs $77 million Risk Share Agreement
CFPB Launches Tool to Locate Housing Counselors