Jann Swanson - Mortgage News Daily Article Contributions
Higher Rates Should Lead to ARM Resurgence Freddie Mac Says
CFPB Offers Guidance to Consumers on Debit, Credit Card Data Theft
Good News for Rental Markets as Prices, Renter Credit Quality Both Rise
New-Home Sales Slip 7% in December; Up 16.4% Over 2012
Official Argues Against Short-Sale/Foreclosure Deficiency Counting as Income in 2014
"Perfect Storm" Kept California Buyers Home in December
Existing Home Sales dip Further into One-Year Lows
Distressed, Institutional Sales Increased in 2013
Bidding War Dichotomy: Some States Under the Weather, Others Heat up
Architects Survey Forecasts Slowing Construction
Mortgage Applications Continue Higher as Rates Retreat to 2014 Lows
Treasury Official Throws Cold Water on Fannie/Freddie Optimism, HARP Extension
California Home Sales End 2013 Down 5.9 Percent
CoreLogic Looks at Components of Mortgage Credit Availability
Foreclosure Starts, Completions a Pre-Recession Levels in California
CoreLogic asks if Poor Construction Hiring is New Normal
December Construction Numbers Lag; November Figures Upgraded
Home Remodeling Spending will be Strong into 2014
MBA Purchase Application Data Suggests Lower New Home Sales
California Sales Higher in December, Lower Year-Over-Year
Foreclosures at 5 year Low in 2013, but Some States Still Increasing
Are We There Yet? Freddie Mac Says Recovery Has Ways to Go
Upbeat California Sellers See Prices Rising Further, Plan to Buy Again
Mortgage Applications Bounce Back
Better Oversight Needed on Distressed Property Policies
Potential Manipulation of GSE Trades May be Just Fine with FBI
How QM Harms Homeowners -House Committee Hearing
Lower Margins and Higher Expenses a Common Theme in Mega-Bank Earnings
Housing Scorecard: Nearly 6 Million Fewer Underwater as Prices Hit 2005 Levels
Common Short Sale Myths Dispelled
Delinquencies Hit Six-Year Low
Fannie Mae, CFPB in Sync on Servicer Rules
Biggest Quarterly Drop in Underwater Homes since Peak
Less Financially Secure Borrowers More Likely to Choose Adjustable Mortgages
Mortgage Applications Rise Just Slightly from 12 Year Lows
Wells and Others Gear up For Non-QM Lending
CFPB Separates Fact from Fiction on New Mortgage Rules
Mortgage Credit Easiest in 3.5 Years, Consumer Attitudes Improve -Fannie Housing Survey
Nine States Set New Price Peaks in 2013
S&P's 2014 Projections for Housing-Related Sectors
Guidelines Staying Steady as Lenders Prepared for QM in Advance
Small Markets are Leading Recovery NAHB Says
Yellen Confirmation Vote Possible Tonight
First Ever Senate-Confirmed FHFA Director Sworn in
Two Very Different Views on New FHFA Director Mel Watt
CFPB Wants Your Thoughts on Mortgage Closing Process
MBA's Stevens: Mortgage Regulatory Confusion Hampers Housing Recovery
Fannie Mae: Technology has Role to Fill in Mortgage Shopping Experience
FHFA Lawsuit Tally Approaches $8 billion
Private Sector Lifts Construction Spending near 5-Year High