Jann Swanson - Mortgage News Daily Article Contributions
MBA Economists Forecast Record Purchase Volume Next Year
Fannie Asks Mortgage Execs How to Improve Condo Lending
Mortgage Apps Steady; Forbearances Drop Under 6%
Calabria to Seek Input on Future Fannie/Freddie Policies
Looks Like Residential Construction is Back on Track
Home Purchase Demand Still Strong, but Slowing Down
Builder Confidence Sets a New Record Once Again
Second Homes, Widespread but Few in Number
Forbearances Up Slightly After Last Week's Plunge
Pandemic Throwing Millions into Rent, Mortgage, and Student Loan Peril
Troubling Unemployment Numbers Eclipsed by a Strong Housing Market
Mortgage Rates Hit Record Lows but Applications Fell Flat
Late-Stage Delinquencies Now Twice Great Recession Peak
California Law Seeks to Restrain Wall Street's Potential Landlords
Pandemic and Recession are Changing the Way People Rent and Buy
Forbearance and Late Payments are Making Mortgages Harder to Get
Forbearances Experience Record Decline as Initial Plans Expire
Consumers Remain Confident About Job Prospects
Refi Application Volume Recovers From Last Week's Loss
Almost 400,000 Delinquent Homeowners Have Better Options
July's Home Prices Increase by 5.5%, Breaking a Two-Year Record
Delinquencies Decline, but That's not the Whole Story
TRID Rule Has Helped Borrowers Understand Their Loans
Forbearances Increase For First Time in 6 Weeks
Residential Construction Spending Up 7%
Pending Home Sales Just Hit a New All-Time High
Mortgage Applications Slowed as Many Rush to Beat the Adverse Market Fee
Perfect Storm For Home Prices?
More New Homes Bought With Non-Conventional Financing in 2019
Forbearances Ending at a Faster Pace
70% of Freddie's Portfolio Suggests Refis Aren't Dead
FHFA's Official Report on Q2 Mortgage Relief Numbers
New Home Sales Crush Forecasts, Soaring to 14-Year Highs
Serious Delinquencies Grow, but Fewer Overall Missed Payments in August
Ending Fannie/Freddie Conservatorship Still a Top Priority for FHFA
FHFA Says 2-Month House Price Gain was Largest Ever
Mortgage Application Gains Resumed Post-Labor Day, Forbearances at Recent Lows
Home Sales Surge to Best Levels in 14 Years
Homeowner Equity Surged in Q2
Fannie's Forecast Sees a Brightening Recovery
Fewer Homes Being Flipped, But Profits Are Up
Forbearance Plan Count Continues to Shrink
Refis Increased Slightly in August, FICO Scores Highest This Year
Pace of Construction Slows after Three Busy Months
Builder Confidence at All-Time High
Latest Mortgage App Volume Down Over Holiday-Shortened Week
Lenders Upbeat About Profits, Loan Demand
Pandemic Pushing Gen Z and Millennials to Move Back Home
Almost 20 Million Homeowners are Prime Refi Candidates
Weekly Forbearance Totals Decline