Jann Swanson - Mortgage News Daily Article Contributions
FHFA: Current Run of Rising Home Prices Likely to Continue
Freddie Mac Forecast: Lots of "Ifs" and "Buts"
Existing Home Sales Beat Headwinds, Score Small Gains
Wells Fargo to Face Largest Fine Yet
Weather Cools Remodeling Perceptions
Rates on Closed Loans at 4 Year High
Home Price Increases Outpace Income Gains - Again
UI Says Underwriters Should Consider Rent History
Freddie Mac: Shop Smart, Save Big
Mortgage Application Activity Surges
Trade War Risks a Dark Cloud For an Otherwise Bright Economy - Fannie Mae
Housing Starts, Permits Stage Spring Recovery
Annual Mortgage Bank Profits Fall by Nearly Half
Builder Confidence Dips Slightly, Still Near All-Time Highs
OIG says FHFA Practices Need Improvement, Lots of It.
MBA Predicts New Home Sales Up in March
Tax Cut Effects on Housing Still Debatable
The Past is Not Prologue in Housing Markets
Record Commercial/Multifamily Volume in 2017
Mortgage Apps Declined Last Week, Despite Lower Rates
Delinquencies Down Overall, Texas and Florida Still Coping
Survey Shows Strong Up-Swing in Home Purchase Attitude
Lenders Tightening Credit Access; Index Down for Second Month
Renters Losing Interest in Homeownership
March Application Volume Ended on Sour Note
Acting Director Urges Changes in CFPB's Structure
Home Prices Continue Upward, Defying Predictions
Unwillingness to Refi or Sell Despite High Equity
Construction Spending Stalled for Second Month
Affordability is Declining and is Likely to Get Worse
Fannie/Freddie Joint MBS Arrives in June, 2019
Pending Home Sales Spring Back in February
Mortgage Volumes Among Best of Year
Case-Shiller Says "Affordability not a Concern"
Homebuying Attitudes at Odds With Economic Outlook
How Homeownership Affects Household Wealth
Mortgage Profits Plummeted in Fourth Quarter
New Home Sales Still Falling, Prices and Inventory Up
Not Everyone Benefits from Home Price Gains
Black Knight: Prepayments are Falling, Hurricane Effect Lingers
Ignoring Trend, Home Prices Surged in January
"Significant" Reduction in Closing Times - Ellie Mae
Move Over Millennials, Gen Z is Already Buying Homes
Existing Home Sales Score First 2018 Gains
Hurricanes Weren't the Only Delinquency Disaster Last Year
Refi Applications Near 10-Year Low, But Purchases Improve
Despite Downward GDP Revisions, Fannie Sees Housing Holding Steady
Future Housing Market at Mercy of Young Adults
Both Coasts Lead in Household Wealth Gains
Lender Sentiment Points to Declining Demand, Lower Profits